Dec 10, 2003 17:08
hello. ok lets see i have worked everyday since last friday. I want to shoot myself. last night dl and i went to lenox. let me just tell you. we have some great times. we walked around the whole night and talked in british accents then we went to cartier and i tried on some sun glasses and becuase of dl's brilliant lies they actually thought we were snobby little rich girls. It was so stellar fun. Then we went to the cheesecake factory were i ate my face off. On the way home we listened to the darkness. I went to work at 7:35 from cave springs and got there at exactly 8:00 i was high taling it. so guess what you guys the time has come. we are going apartment shopping. surpise surprise by we i dont mean my family but i mean Doralee and I. We are going to get an apartment and live there. yay! both parental units on both sides have agreed. so if you know of any cheap but not scary apartments near broad let us know! its gonna be great! well im gonna go hop in the tub.