Happy February!

Feb 02, 2009 00:14

My fingers are warm for once-that weird slightly-burning sensation from having just stepped outside in the middle of the winter night (I went out to dump a bag of kitty litter... not very romantic, but I saw a very beautiful and bright moon which made it better). See how long that lasts. I noticed my bedroom's corner of the house, unlike the rest of our house, has very few icicles. I doubt it's because of being better insulated or anything like that; rather it's because very little heat reaches this corner of the house to begin with.

Hurrah, winter! When oh when will you be over?

I was very close to being able to say we did not turn the tv on in this house on this day, but mum went and messed it up by checking on the game around halftime to see where things were at (not that either of us greatly care). Anyway, I didn't see a bit of the game except for that brief bit around halftime (replays of some epic touchdown, I guess it was). Hurrah.

Instead, I was reading Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens. I got the book for super-cheap at the bargain bookstore a few weeks ago, and certain people's talk of Tinker Bell inspired me to finally get around to reading it :D It is very amusing. Something like a prequel or prototype of the "official" Peter Pan story (apparently, Barrie wrote a story that PP in KensingtonG was part of; then adapted just the PP in KG part as its own work; then somewhere along the way it turned into Peter Pan the play, the story we are all more familiar with, and then he made a prose version of the play, called Peter and Wendy. And then some other sequel(s?) too. And apparently a bunch of his contemporaries wrote their own prose versions based on the play, but we don't care about them because they aren't Barrie. Or something. Anyway, it seems to have been quite a hit.)

But I just love the way these sorts of works (Peter Pan, Alice in Wonderland, Winnie the Pooh...) are written-by adults, but imaginative adults, and a sort of conversational style, and often addressing their young audience,and always with a witty and clever sort of humour I feel like I don't see so much these days (though perhaps that is because I don't read much contemporary work?). I don't know if that description makes sense. It's really a joy to read though. I'm feeling all deliciously full of ideas and imagery from the vivid descriptions of the fairies building houses, or Peter talking with the birds, or Mamie Mannering's adventure in the gardens after they are locked up (really, Mamie is quite a brave and wonderful girl!). I feel like I want to make the images in my head come to life! As I was reading I could just see it as if it were a movie; and then I tried to imagine it as something I could create (because I can't create a movie). We'll see-perhaps one of these days I'll do my own illustrations for the story (although-Arthur Rackham apparently illustrated it as well, so perhaps my doing it would only be superfluous (and speaking of superfluity, how about my writing tonight? I can always tell when I've spent the day reading because my writing becomes excessively wordy...))

We had pizza for dinner with two of my brothers (the other being at school in Ann Arbor) and it was very delicious, although some of you would be appalled by all the vegetables we loaded onto it. But it was a good evening, all in all.

Fingers are on their way to being icicles now. Good to see (feel) life returning to normal....

Oh! I remembered something silly I wanted to write about. Yesterday (Saturday) I went shopping with lovely Jane and Koi and had a fun time with them, looking at pretty things and wandering into all sorts of girly shops. While out, I got a sweater dress for $5!! It's not white, like Kazuha's (and also sleeveless. I do have one that is white though, but that is also sleeveless. but in any case, they are sweater dresses! hurrah! haha.) but I like it. It has side pockets, which are very nice to warm my hands in. I also got some earrings, which also may have been slightly influenced by I Hate You More Than Anyone, as I had just reread the 6th volume earlier yesterday. Two of the pairs are more Ageha-ish, though, with sparkly pink dangly stones for one and silver dangly butterflies for the other (the third pair has blue stones... :D). They are all very cute! I've been out of the habit of wearing earrings for a few years now, but maybe this will inspire me to wear them more often. Bonus girly-points! Oh, and I got a single lace glove (because I couldn't find its match anywhere in the store) for a super-deal at 50¢. It's a simple design, so as Jane pointed out, I could make my own to go with it, but we'll see how motivated I am. Anyway, it's a very very cute fingerless white lace glove and I love it. Kya~

Goodness, so many tags for this entry. I'm sorry for my all-over-the-place rambling...

peter pan, winter, pink, moon, books, inspiration, girliness, purchases, family, hidaka banri, cold, clothes, food

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