Mar 27, 2014 17:33
I'm taking this moment and this post to write that I have absolutely no work that I need to be doing right this second (oh wait, except a couple illustration sketches. gah! forget that, for the sake of this post). Glorious feeling!! I still have upcoming things to be done (soon) on my calendar, but I don't have materials for any of them at this moment, so I can't possibly work on them even if I want to, so there!!
By the way, the newest chapter of SoreMachi will be going up tonight (5pm PST) so go see, go see!! I liked the last two chapters but this one is a more typical example as far as showing just why I love the series and the characters so much. So I hope any of you who read it will enjoy it!
(also after lettering the chapter yesterday, I decided this morning to do an experiment for breakfast with oatmeal and an apple. It was as delicious and gooey as I hoped! Thanks, Anastasia!)