Title: Indelible
Pairings: Hibari/Yamamoto
Summary: This is what you want, and he gives it to you.
Notes: For round five of
khrfest, prompt TYL Yamamoto/TYL Hibari - trade; "that's another suit you've ruined". Adult for smut: rough sex, biting, blood, downbeat ending, second-person pov. 1798 words.
It takes the better part of the hour to do it and the room is a wreck by the time you catch your ankle around his and get Shigure Kintoki to kiss his throat, but you're not worried about the means, just the ends, and Kyouya finally stops raging. So you're going to count it as a win. All fic is now being linked directly to my Dreamwidth account. Feel free to comment there with
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