[fic] KHR - Promises Made and Then Broken

Oct 05, 2010 12:27

Title: Promises Made and Then Broken
Pairing: Xanxus/Squalo
Summary: Eight and one and five and three and two and one make twenty; that might be just enough.
Notes: Teen for smut in passing. For khrfest, prompt II-11: Xanxus/Squalo - inevitable; Xanxus reacts when Squalo finally decides to chop it all off (his hair). 1564 words.

Squalo's hair was very nearly the first sight to greet Xanxus' eyes when his vision cleared and the cold retreated.

All fic is now being linked directly to my Dreamwidth account. Feel free to comment there with your LJ username and password by using OpenID or here at LJ.

c: xanxus, fandom: katekyou hitman reborn, 01001-10000 words (fic), c: squalo, label: smut

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