Title: Pen & Ink: Interlude
Characters: Sanada, Yukimura
Summary: What Niou and Yagyuu get up too after Yukimura lets them go off duty.
Notes: Side story for
Pen & Ink. Originally comment-fic for
giving_ground, since dissertations are a pain, and cookies make everything better. Especially when "cookies" means "D1 smut".
Series Index. "So that's him," Masaharu said, twisting back around in his seat after watching Tall-Dark-and-Stubborn-sensei follow their boss inside the house. "Think we're gonna have to find a place to hide the body?" This fic can now be read on Dreamwidth.org; comments are welcome at either LJ or Dreamwidth; if you do not have a Dreamwidth account, you may comment there
using your LJ login and password. If you would like a Dreamwidth account, let me know and I'll see what I can do to hook you up with an invite code.