Title: The Otohime's Revenge [4/10]
Characters: Yuuta, Saeki, and many others.
Summary: When Fuji Yuuta rescues a shipwrecked Saeki, it touches off a series of events that neither of them could have anticipated.
Genre and Rating: Drama; this section is PG-13.
Notes: This is the crack bunny that grew fangs, eventually evolved into a crack dragon, and took over my life. I have taken substantial liberties with the period and setting; please don't trip over the anachronisms. Horatio Hornblower or similar tallship fandom this is not. This fic is AU, contains some violence, a few deaths, some angst, occasional smut, a fair amount of sap, and (with any luck) a whole lot of fun. Many thanks to
mercuria for spawning the original idea, and to
_branch_ for cheering me on, and a lovely beta job.
By the time they were rousted from their quarters the next morning, worse for the wear and the rum, the Dragonfly had already set sail, and was a distant speck on the horizon.
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Part 4 on A03. This fic can now be read on Dreamwidth.org; comments are welcome at either LJ or Dreamwidth; if you do not have a Dreamwidth account, you may comment there
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