Title: From First Principles
Characters/Pairings: Shiro/Keith/Lance
Summary: There are rules for situations like this, but maybe they're not the right rules.
Notes: Get-together fic, nothing heavier than some kissing and Shiro's enormous, overdeveloped sense of responsibility. Though those are pretty danged heavy. 5055 words.
If Shiro heads into the training deck, he's volunteering himself to referee yet another round of Keith and Lance's eternal argument. It's the kind of thing that could wear on the patience of a saint, which he is not. The lab sounds like a delightfully peaceful alternative, and there's no saying what sort of technological marvel Pidge and Hunk have up their sleeves now.
Then he hears what sounds a lot like gunfire from the training deck and dismisses the thought, tempting though it is.
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