TITLE: Truncated (1/1)
AUTHOR: Lysandra
E-MAIL: Lysandra@socal.rr.com or Lysandra31@aol.com
DISTRIBUTION: Please ask first.
SPOILERS: Set in the 6th season; specific references to Ascension, Arcadia, & FTF
CLASSIFICATION: Story Romance Angst; Mulder/Scully UST; MSR
SUMMARY: Scully and Mulder find themselves in a tight spot. Spooning
DISCLAIMER: "The X-Files" is the property of Chris Carter, 1013
Productions, and Twentieth Century Fox. Believe me, no money has found its
way into my hands because of this story.
NOTES: Okay, I stole the idea from the film "Out of Sight." I admit it.
THANKS: To all my beta readers and pals who helped out immensely and made
the writing of this story extra-fun.... Brandon, Brynna, Erly, Leilia,
Magdeleine, Pebbles, and shannono.
EXTRA-SPECIAL THANKS: To my dad, who didn't ask questions when I asked him
to lock me in the trunk of his Chevy Lumina, and for letting me out when I
started to panic after, oh, twenty agonizing seconds. And what's the
dumbest thing *you've* done in the name of fanfic?
http://lysandrafic.livejournal.com/ Too long for LJ, so click here to read: