Don't really know what to put in here. I've been gone so long that this will probably be a jumbled mess. Here goes.
Julian was born healthy and happy. He's 19 months old now, walking, talking and blooming with more personality than even I could have imagined for his age. He's already got all of his teeth. He's got one hell of an attitude.
I've gotten back into drawing finally. It's been two years since I could both REACH my sketch pad and have time without the beastlet destroying my sketchbook in blind jealousy. This is what I'm jumping back in with! For people with a DA.
I'm also starting up on concept art for a game Ryan's been wanting to make for years. He's finally far enough along with it that he thinks we could have something presentable to a publisher within a month. Here's hoping! That's gonna have me really busy for a while. Good thing I've got nothing but time!
Why do I have all of this time?, you ask. I did something AMAZING a couple weeks ago! There was a bunch of laundry on the basement stairs because we were doing a 'spring cleaning' kinda thing. I went down stairs to get some clean clothes, misjudged how many stairs I had left because of a blind spot and clothes hiding them, and I missed the last three. The distance was so great that I completely missed the laundry pile and landed, straight leg, on the concrete floor before I knew what was happening. When I felt the shock hit me I buckled and, to keep from smashing my head, I had to throw out my arm to correct my angle as I did what I could to roll. The result of this was a broken ankle that sounded crunchy when I tried to stand on it and a broken elbow on the same side that kept my arm from supporting my weight(typed that up wrong on my art gallery at first cause my wrist hurts too lol.) Now I'm bed ridden for at least another 3-6 weeks. ^^ I'm so awesome.
As for socially. I've been braving the social world slowly as I recover from being cut off, somewhat by choice and also a little by simple misfortune and lack of time as a new parent. I started out with MMO's, then Monster Hunter Tri and now I'm back to being active again on messenger. I've finally been able to get back in touch with some good friends and my brother <3. ^^ So, it's been good. Breaking myself was the best thing that could have happened to me, to be honest.