Dec 08, 2005 19:08
Rob Dougan - Nothing At All
I want to be still
I want to walk into your grave
Where I can shelter in peace
Until all our cares have blown away
Let the whole world fall away
And fall into my arms
Stay with me
I don't know how long we've got left
And so I'm asking you
To forgive me
I learn as I go
To float far away
Into silence
And just watch your face
And find some kind of grace
In that quiet bliss
Can I stay and say nothing at all, at all
Where will we go when we get old
When the bustle and the noise
Get too frightning
When each and every angry word
Is banished to the past
That when I think
We'll learn as we go
To float far away
Into silence
And I'll watch your face
And read of patience and grace
In each line there
Work each day
All for nothing at all, at all
And the few words I say
They mean nothing at all at all
Will you walk into the grave with me
Will you leave this empty world
Soft and wistfull
To sink into the dark, dark earth
And never reappear would be blissful
To float far away
Into eternal space
And God's silence
Where I'll watch your face
And find patience and grace
In each line there
Drift away into nothing at all at all
Find the grace to be nothing at all at all
Fade away and end up nothing at all
At all at all at all