Dec 04, 2006 21:40
Sometimes, I can look at someone whose opinion of me is wildly off-base, and I don't care what they think. Other times, they do something or say something in my view that makes me want to rip their heads off. Naturally, that's when they tend to be acting in the same fashion they did when they decided I was less than pond scum. I fervently wish I could thwap some sense into their pointed little heads, almost start to, realize it's just an old wound twinging with the weather, breathe, and let it go past. No point forcing a discussion that just might be better off never happening. The concept of successfully winning that sort of argument is one of those thoughts akin to the dream of winning the lottery. It'd be really sweet, but the odds are insanely long. And buying $5 of quick picks is much less of a tax on me than attempting to get that kind of talk to happen at all.
I also count myself fortunate that I think there are maybe two people in the world I could possibly say this about. There may have been others once, but the issues got so old they stopped having real significance. With time, these others will fade. If anyone else takes their place, they may not stay there as long. I rather like that idea.