First, I've been neglecting to show off the cuteness that
blackfyr made for me.
Second, I've committed drabble again. The denizens of
great_write_way will have seen this already, so I will cut for their convenience.
You tell me it's the easiest in crowd to enter. Say the right words, and that's it. Done. No backsies. I'm assured a permanent place. Why not? The popular kids made it impossible for me, but you wouldn't dream of it.
Until I get in deeper, at least. Then the rules get brought up. Do this, don't do that, read this, reject that. Doubt is a weakness to be overcome by rejecting the questions, not a chance at a deeper relationship by finding the answers. At least, not for myself. You already know everything. Not that you wrote it, oh, no. You're just the messenger. And if I think there's a different answer, I'm the one with the problem.
I try moving with a different sub-clique, but it's just different variations on the same theme. Some harsher than others. And all along, something wasn't connecting for me. Sure, I said the magic words. Why is it, then, that the lady didn't change places with the tiger? It was only when I realized I'd said the words to the barker instead of the magician, having been deceived into thinking one was the other, that it all made sense.
It's not so much that I left the company of the elite, much as I have. I finally saw that you're standing on the porch believing you're in the inner sanctum, and I was foolish enough to believe you once.