We brokered a pre-hearing settlement with our landlord. No eviction on record. Case dismissed. We do partial payoff over the course of this year if we don't just file bankruptcy on it (which we're going to do to some people, but not him).
We're trying to get as many locals who can show up in San Carlos tomorrow to help with moving garbage and loading the U-Haul, as the day-worker option is viable but $12/hr/person. Not our idea of a good idea. Email me at lysana at twoburrens dot com if you can show up, please. Would rather blow the money on pizza and drinks.
We're also diving into a hotel for the next two nights so we don't have to clear off the bed tonight.
Oh, and for those of you who aren't on FB or Twitter, I sprained my ankle Wednesday afternoon. You want to talk about slowing down the process? Oh, yeah. Especially since I had to sit at the one hospital I can afford to go to for five hours because their ambulance ER section was doing turn-away business and I was a limp-in.
We still leave Sunday. I don't care anymore what has to stay so long as we try. He'll get a filthy apartment with stuff on the floor. He already had to redo the place after 19 years of constant occupancy. It's just insult to injury now.
PS - We are still offering
set lists for sale as well as a
non-PayPal donation option. We recognize the piracy aspect of the set lists. That's all I'm gonna say about that.