PETA protested outside the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in
KKK robes.
I really am angry. Burning angry. I want to stage a barbecue on Ingrid Newkirk's lawn with milk-fed veal and serve bacon-wrapped foie gras as an appetizer. Venison chili, lamb chops, fried rabbit, and any other cute and furry animal whose meat is sold in US markets as well. Or hell, let me send to Peru for some guinea pig. Throw in some sea kitten as well, just to complete the feed and allow me to have some of my fishatarian friends along for the party.
She wants to compare AKC standards to eugenics? Fine. She can smell what the Lysana is cooking and CHOKE ON IT.
(Yes, when this angry, I do resort to black humor. Just in case it's not clear.)