Mar 28, 2005 20:30
Today, I woke up at the lovely 8:00 in order to take medicine, use a mouth rinse and then head over to Dr. Woodbury's. Two nurses hooked me up to several things, one a thing that takes your blood pressure I hate those things, I hate doing it once let a lone every 15minutes, I also had a clip thingy on each wrist and one of those finger pulses. The nurse asked what radio station I wanted to listen to. In all honesty, it didn't matter to me I only heard it for a few minutes anyways but it was nice that she asked. They then gave me some of that laughing gas and was like your going to feel a bit light headed and your fingers and toes will tingle; too bad my left hand was all ready tingling from the cold. Dr. Woodbury then came in and he was all talking about the game and how awesome it was because of the double overtime. I was like oh boy...he's going to be talking about sports the whole time. It wasn't so bad, it gave me something to concentrate on instead of ahh what if...(blah blah blah)... He was getting all ready to put the iv in and I was like ahh...(I didn't actually say it, I just looked away real fast) and he stoped and he goes what's wrong and I told him I was scared and he said of what and I was like I don't want you to hurt me and he goes I won't hurt you. He was right it was just a little poke like he said, then he started shooting the medicine in and I was like am I supposed to be able to feel that (in my head) and he asked if it was hurting and i said I can feel it and he said, thats not what I asked you, I asked if it hurt. I had to say no. I then told them that I felt very light headed and they said that was good and boom out. I woke up during it but wasn't really aware of anything going on and fell back asleep. Next thing you know its about an hour and a half later and she's telling me to sit up. I had to go walk to this other room and drink some orange juice then I got to go home. The whole numbing thing sucks. And then you have to wait for it to wear off which takes like forever. Now, its all worn off and I'm only slightly uncomfortable.
On friday Chris took me to Great Lakes Crossing and I found a bright green dress, that I like a whole lot and my mom likes it too. Today she bought some shoes that match but I'm not sure I'll wear them hopefully I find better ones at Payless since she's supposed to take me shopping for my birthday. Thats what I want . . . . . to go shopping.
On Thursday I read the entire day. I read "A Great And Terrible Beauty" by Libba Bray. Good book, very good book. Especially if you're into the fantasy magic stuff.
I hope I feel pretty good tomorrow since it's my birthday. Woot 18 years old. I don't have anything planned but hopefully it will be a good day. Thats it! Love to all