August's '20+1 reasons to fangirl' list

Aug 09, 2007 20:37

It's probably no secret that my Girls Aloud fangirling has reached rather epic proportions during the past month or so. That's why it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that August's '20+1 reasons' list is about...Girls Aloud!

I had some serious problems limiting my list to only 21 items, and afterwards I realised I'd spent a good part of my afternoon trimming this list instead of putting together a timetable for the upcoming autumn semester. It's good to have priorities in life.

21+1 Reasons Why You Should Fangirl About 'Girls Aloud'

1. Because Girls Aloud is pop at its best.

As illustrated by the "Biology" video.

2. Because the girls look hot in jeans.


3. Because there's that particular moment in 'Wake Me Up' which always makes you want to dance.

Nicola rules.

And Kimberley?


4. Because the video for 'Jump' makes you ship Cheryl/Nadine.

If it doesn't, there's something seriously wrong with you.

Same with the live performances:

The look on Cheryl's face is perfect.

Nadine: *pointing at Cheryl* You told me...

5. Because Nadine says "fucking hell!". And it's totally hot.

Freaked out. By a koala bear. Tee-hee!

Cheryl's hilarious "What would it do if I kiss it? Bite me face off?" comment deserves an honorary mention at this point.

6. Because it totally looked like the highest point.

Cheryl: *whining* Well, it looked like the highest point to me!

Damn Athens and your bloody hills!

7. Because school uniforms = hotness.

Or should I say, "school" uniforms.

Nadine: Well, hello.
Cheryl: WTF??
Sarah: Grosssss!!
Nicola: Dum-da-dum-dum...

8. Because Girls Aloud totally owned Sugarbabes.

But what's up with Cheryl fiddling with Nicola's dress?

9. Because they go ghost hunting.


10. Because Kimberley rules at playing the air guitar.

As noted and capped by the_girl_20.

11. Because Sarah/Kimberley is surprisingly obvious.

Yes, obvious.

12. Because that one shot of Nadine in 'Sound of the Underground' video is pure sex.

13. Because swaying in sync with four other people is surprisingly difficult.

Pssst! Nadine, the other way!

14. Because only Girls Aloud can incorporate gregorian monk cloaks into pop music.

For about 15 seconds.

Side note: watch this performance with the audio muted. Freaky!!

15. Because Sarah being sarcastic is awesome.

Sarah: *complaining about a corset that is too tight around the chest area* "Great. 'I'm just a love machine! *flash*'"

16. Because Girls Aloud doing science is *so* convincing.

17. Because sometimes it's really glamorous to be a pop star.

Six(?) people plus a driver in a single taxi.

Nadine: It's so glamorous to be in Girls Aloud!

18. Because it's fun to play the 'Spot Cheryl/Nadine' game.

What do you mean I went a little overboard with that?

19. Because Kimberley has magical powers.

20. Because even Nicola loosens up when alcohol's in the picture.

Cheryl: And this is why I do not drink, people!

21. Because sometimes Girls Aloud is pure crack.

Cheryl: All of a sudden I'm seeing a bright...well, what I can only describe as a bright puff o' smoke.

Cheryl: I think I began to see evil, yeah.

It's Charlie's Angels!

Crack, I tell you, crack!!!

Right, tune back in next month as the next installment in the '20+1 reasons to fangirl' series will be revealed. I know, I know. This really is the perfect excuse for me to make lists and fangirl at the same time. So sue me.

listing is da bomb, music: girls aloud, picspam: music, 21 reasons to fangirl list

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