I think it's interesting how there are a lot more AU fics in fandoms [femslash fandoms, since I'm the most familiar with those] with canon parings than in ones with subtext parings. Take Bad Girls for instance: at least 90% of the fics are AU, while there may be some random missing scenes a few post-Season 3 Helen/Nikki fics here and there. Granted, in a way, it's logical that since the paring is canon, the story is being told on screen and there's no need for fics. But I still think the number of AU Bad Girls fics is huge when compared to non-AU ones.
Also, another interesting feature in AU fics are those few themes that appear in every fandom. High School AUs can be found absolutely everywhere [SVU in particular is doing well in this category], same goes to Police Station AUs [Bad Girls wins this one, hands down], Historical AUs [common in SVU and, perhaps a little surprisingly, Stargate SG-1] and Fantasy AUs [my life hasn't been the same since I read a Bad Girls fic where Helen came out of a charmed book].
And while still on the subject, I read an SVU fic set in the Wild West earlier this week. No, I kid you not. The best part? It actually kinda worked. >____O At least I couldn't stop reading, and I bit my nails nervously when Olivia finally hopped on a train and followed Alex to Boston in order to get her back. *blinks* Yeah, I just had a weird Dr.Quinn Medicine Woman flashback.
Anyway. I know there are several Canadians on my flist and I was wondering if some of you could answer this question for me: what the heck is "Heights of Abraham"?! It's somehow related to the Canadian history. It was one of the terms we were supposed to explain in the exam last week and I'd never heard that term before in my life. *scratches head*
greenovalfruit, I'm a failure! I just can't finish that word list; O is an impossible letter and I didn't want to end up looking like a complete pervert. :p
Yay! New Criminal Minds episode now! <3 And season finale next week. Eeep!