This TV season is rapidly turning into a very sad one, with all my favourite shows going down the drain and my favourite characters leaving. Last week it was Hospital Central's turn as, after six years, one of the most important television storylines to me personally came to a close.
It's ridiculous how huge an impact Maca & Esther's storyline has had on my life over the years; so much so that I began learning a whole new language and spent six months in another country in order to master it. It's only natural to dedicate one more picspam to a show which provided me a whole new look at life. Ja muita jaaritteluja, lässyn-lässyn-lää.
I did the impossible and chose my favourite Maca/Esther scene (or one of many) from each season. Get your tissues ready, it's a trip down the memory lane~
Temporada 8
The beginning of it all! This scene is still one of my favourite Maca/Esther scenes ever, because even after all this time, the hilarity of it is still intact. It doesn't matter how many times I've seen it, Maca's "Sí Esther, ¿es preciosa esta chica?", or Esther's "¡Tu planta!" still crack me up, every time.
I love it how these two were able to fall in love with each other just like any other couple on the show, without any weirdness about, oh my God, them both being women.
Temporada 9
"Si pudiera vivir nuevamente" is one of the most ridiculous and the most fabulous episodes in the history of this show. Amazingly, it takes a helicopter crash, with wonderful special effects, for Maca to realise that she's been a complete moron (this turned out to be a recurring theme with these two). The end result is both corny (the slow motion sequence!) and sweet.
In the grand scheme of things, Season 9 was the season where the Maca/Esther relationship was truly established as an OTP. We all knew that Esther had finally got over dating drug addicts and other low lives. The two joined the ranks of the numerous, longtime on/off couples the show has seen throughout the years.
Temporada 10
This was the first time I saw an actual lesbian wedding on TV. Not a "commitment ceremony", but two women actually getting legally married in the eyes of the law. It's amazing that Spain is so far ahead of Finland, for example, because the "gender neutral marriage" (as they call it) is only now starting to be addressed by the political parties. Anyway, I digress. It was wonderful to see that the world actually is going forward.
But omg, how did Maca have time to reflect on old memories with Azucena on her wedding day? Nope, still not over that. I wonder if Esther ever found out.
Temporada 11
I've never been too keen on baby storylines, and I wasn't that fond of the fact that they went down that road with these two as well. But, in the end, the writers did well with the options they had. It was sweet to see Maca & Esther taking the next big step in their relationship, and despite the clichéd nature of the storyline, it did portray the equation of motherhood and lesbianism as something totally normal.
Temporada 12
The conclusion of the not-so-popular storyline, but again, the utter normalcy of it all made me so happy. It was obvious from the beginning that the uncomplicatedness of their relationship wouldn't last, but they got really far before the first, bigger obstacle named Raúl.
Anyway, the scene in question was beautifully executed, and seeing Maca & Esther's mothers, as well as Teresa, fussing over the baby was adorable.
Temporada 13
It took a while, understandably, for Maca to come around again after Esther's somewhat OOC tryst with Raúl (it doesn't matter that Maca was once again emotionally unavailable, Esther actually cheating on her goes beyond my understanding). The slow build up towards the scene above was well-written, and when the reconciliation finally took place, the viewers were ready to forgive Esther as well.
Also, Maca's icy attitude towards Raúl continued for quite a long time, which was wonderfully realistic. Although the situation smoothed over after a while, I don't think Maca really ever forgave him.
Temporada 14
Oy. Things got really hairy and complicated in Season 14 with the introduction of Vero. And Although the Maca/Esther relationship was problematic at best at this point, the scene above still melted my heart. I didn't doubt their love for each other at any point (OTP, after all), but the Maca/Vero hook up needed to happen in order for them to deal with all the crap between them.
I've said it before, but I love it how the writers made Maca the bad guy of the love triangle, not Vero. If anything, they made Vero likeable (shut up,
lrbcn :p), and the sheep episode (LOL) truly made me feel for her.
Temporada 15
Nothing will ever convince me that Esther wasn't purposefully trying woo Maca back from Vero. What with the Paris trip (see the scene above) and, ultimately, Bea, she was so clearly trying to made Maca realise what she was missing. And Maca fell for it, of course. Subtle, but, indeed, really, really effective as we can see from the next set of caps.
Temporada 16
This. scene. Seriously. The way Maca looks at Esther is just...GUH. Beautifully acted by Patricia Vico, it's like during those few moments Maca suddenly realises what a dumb ass she's been. I mean, truly. If anyone ever looked at *me* like that, I'd probably jump them right there and then.
The scene above also led to another wonderful moment, namely that of Maca finally breaking down about her MS (such a LOL-worthy plot twist, though, don't get me started) and Esther being there for her. Incredible acting there as well.
Temporada 17
Near death experience by chocolate led to a very nice encounter in an examining room at the hospital (who says romance is dead?). The beauty of this scene is that the reunion had been such a long time coming; to finally see these two give in to their feelings was lovely to say the least.
Also, yet again, this relationship is treated with as much respect and care as all the hetero ones on the show. There's a whole montage built around the somewhat raunchy scene above, but it's shown as nothing out of the ordinary.
Temporada 18
Remember how I said that Vero wasn't the bad guy? Well, Bea definitely was. But thanks to her, we got a lovely H/C scene in which Maca, for a change, actually admitted being in the wrong. I still can't get over the stupidity of Maca shouting Esther's name when the latter's trying to talk her ex from jumping off a 10-story building. *blinks* That didn't sound as ridiculous in my head.
Anyway. Unrelated, but Esther's new haircut gets huge thumbs up from yours truly.
Temporada 19
After all the ups and downs, Maca and Esther finally get their happy ending - it's just like it's supposed to be.
And just think, for how many other couples on the show can we say the same? I can't think of single "bigger" paring with a happily-ever-after ending. Cruz & Vilches? No. Javier & Laura? Nope. Claudia & Aimée? Definitely not. See, Maca & Esther are simply meant to be.
♥ ♥ ♥
Wow. I can't believe it's actually over. SADNESS. What will I do without the hot, Spanish lesbians gracing my screen with their presence every week? Dark times, people, dark times.
Let's, momentarily, console ourselves with this:
It's JJ! A.J. Cook and Rachel Nichols in the same shot. That first meeting must've been awkward~