CBS renewed Criminal Minds for a 4th season. Not at all surprising, since the show's kicking criminal ass in the ratings, but I did a victory dance nonetheless. Another year of Paget Brewster hotness guaranteed.
And new Season 3 episodes will premier April 2nd. *flails* It's been too long since our last Emily/JJ fix. And I'm too addicted to my TV.
The video for Carrie Underwood's "All American Girl" makes me giggle very inappropriately. The song's not my favourite, but all the different costumes she's sporting during the video amuse me.
Okay, straight to the point:
Guh. I mean GUH.
Seriously? Seriously?! And she does that I'm-pointing-right-at-you thing which, for some reason, I've always found hot - coming from a girl, that is.
Don't worry, I don't know what I'm talking about either.
Then we have a fireman woman...
...which is just funny because the poor girl could never hold that hose if the water was actually on.
American football star.
American football star doing a little dance.
Has any of you seen
View from the Top, a horrendous flight attendant movie starring Gwyneth Paltrow, Cristina Applegate and Candice Bergen?
Well, doesn't this remind you of that? Seriously, I still haven't recovered from seeing that movie.
Can you believe Gwyneth Paltrow won an Oscar only five years previously? Sheesh! And how unfair is it that she's won one, but Kate Winslet hasn't??
Back to the hotness:
Cowgirls. *swoon*
News anchor hotness. With glasses.
Then end up in a weird place:
Just a lot of dogs. I have no idea what's going on in this shot.
But the best moment of the whole video? Carrie as a beauty queen:
"I must not cry, I must not cry..."
"Oh, my God!"
She acts that segment brilliantly. Makes me grin everytime.
Here's the video in case someone wants to see it all in motion.
Click to view
I'm suffering from a serious case of laziness at the moment. And it's not only when it comes to compulsory chores (those Spanish exercises didn't get finished, no matter how long I glared at them), but it's stretching as far as my fandom related activities. I get everything done half way and then I hit a brick wall. There are two music videos, half finished; my Epic Proportions fic, stuck at 5,000 words; a million and one episodes of different shows sitting on my computer... Blah!
dreamyraven's birthday party tomorrow. w00t! It's about time I get out of the house again (apart from going to lectures). I need a life. Seriously.