
Oct 31, 2016 23:02

Class is so good! _profiterole_ had already given it the thumbs-up, so I went into it confident that it wouldn't disappoint, and did it ever deliver. So. much. equal. representation.

Kind of gif-heavy (and one gif is probably NSFW).

Buffy meets SJA )

class, doctor who

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angelbabe_cj November 1 2016, 15:37:05 UTC

I am so glad I know more than one person watching it! My friend basically spammed me with pictures and told me to watch it. I didn't regret it at all. I never watched more than the odd episode of SJA, but loved (early) Torchwood, but I've been falling out of love with DW for a while. This, however might be restoring some faith. I love the range of representation, and the talking about difficult issues. And the sarcasm, which Charlie seems to miss half the time but seems to fuel most of Quill's speech. I love that it's not shying away from the fact they're children, but that children have to deal with hard things (especially if they're at a school with a space-time issue).

I have a lot of love for Charlie and Matteusz, and how they've been represented. That Matteusz himself is comfortable with his sexuality, but it's not welcomed by his parents, and that Charlie asking out a boy is completely normalised to the point they didn't feel the need to show it. And after April's initial 'oh of course he is moment' in which she isn't offended at all, she just slides back into being friendly with him, actually with both of them.

Oh and the different experiences of children with immigrant parents, and reading between the lines I think Tanya's and Matteusz's parents being first generation immigrants and Ram's being second generation and the different dynamics it creates with their children. Mind you, I could be wrong about those impressions.

Just... it makes me happy.


lyryk November 6 2016, 16:45:06 UTC
YAY! I'm so glad you love it too! DW sorely needs a new showrunner, IMO, so I hope the series will get better once Moffat leaves.

I love how 'normalised' everything is, too. I'm also curious about how things play out with the immigration aspect (and Charlie and Miss Quill are 'immigrants' too, I suppose) and about the characters' backstories. There's just so much to love about this show. ♥


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