Summergennnnn! <333

Aug 11, 2016 12:43

My Summergen gift fic (Sam and Dean, gen, 4500 words) is the most perfect thing. I feel a little guilty for being the recipient of something so lovely, because I'm definitely not a part of fandom anymore, not the way I used to be. Anyway, that's a conversation for some other time. The fic takes place right after 'Dark Side of the Moon' (BE STILL MY HEART) and alternates between the present and the summer Sam was 17, thereby completely indulging my love of both DSotM and pre-series fic.

The amulet in Sam’s front jeans pocket is intrusive and uncomfortable. It’s only been a couple of hours since he fished it out of the bottom of the motel wastebasket, and already it feels like a guilty secret, heavy and fraught with significance, instead of a stupidly sentimental trinket. He should have shoved it at his brother immediately, shaken it in his face and demanded, “Jesus, Dean, you’re really gonna leave this behind?”

I have a feeling I know the author because the writing is so familiarly beautiful (I've already narrowed down the list of possible suspects to two, lol), but I'll be just as happy if it turns out that the author is new to me because hey, more awesome people around = always good! And you, dear mystery author, are perfectly awesome, and I'm so glad (and lucky!!) that you were my gifter. ♥

summergen, rec: spn, supernatural, rec: fic

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