Don't ask me why.

Dec 17, 2005 19:18

1. How tall are you?
bout 5'10...

2. Do you own a gun?
i'll point my finger threateningly at you sometimes...

3. Rehab? Counseling?
hurray for shrinks.

4. Have you ever killed an animal?
erm... no. don't think so. but i would. i would kill something and eat it. meat is animals. i'm ok with that.

5. Are you Irish?
um probably. mosly german and polish.

6. What do you think of hot dogs?
i like good german sausage. hot dogs are evil american non-equivalents.

7. What's your favorite Christmas song?
oddly, i can't think of any right now. i say "oddly" not because i particularly enjoy christmas songs. in fact, i hate christmas time because radios always play that crap. i say "oddly" because i've been finding myself humming them for months.

8. What is your favorite sound(s)?
sounds... i like deep breathing, the sound of someone sleeping.

9. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
depends. how much sleep did i get and how much did i need. most times nothing. during finals week, a starbuck's double shot out of a can.

10. Do you do push-ups?
at times. i'm not good at them

11. Have you ever done ecstasy?
no sir.

12. Have you been shot?
yes. rubber bands, wads of paper, hairties.

13. Have you ever been hospitalized?

14. Do you like painkillers?
tried some once when my friend broke his leg. made gravity shift sideways. that was funny.

15. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite/same sex?
no secret. i have huge boobs. it's my only redeaming factor.

16. Do you own a knife?
i do i do. a few good ones too. i like to cut tomatoes with really good knives.

17. Do you have A.D.D?

18. Do you love the pain a tattoo brings?
sort of.

19.Name Five Drinks You Regularly Drink:
why have the questions shifted into caps? i don't know.

20. What's In Your CD Player?
the 3-cd player at home has two radiohead things and hedwig

21. What's Under Your Bed?
all my suitcases

22. Current Hair?
redish. boring. longish. want something more fun.

23. What are you wearing?
an apron

24. Current Worry?
that my life will prove to be hollow.

25. Current Love?
C. ... and Riana's baking

26. Current Hate?
lots of things. stop signs. the american train system. especially the train system

27. Favorite Place To Be?
the european train system

28. Least Favorite Place To Be?
the american train system. am i sensing a trend.

29. What would u play if you could Play an Instrument?
my voice is an instrument. and i'd like to play the guitar better.

30. Favorite Colors?
blue. black. alizerin crimson

31. Person(s) From Your Past You Wish You Could see again.
i wish i could see jesse blankenship (i think that's her name), and michaela rego, and colleen hinkley. then i'd like to laugh at their sorriness and kick them till they bleed.

32. Where would you like to visit?
Somewhere with a better train system

33. Where Do you want to live?
somewhere with a better train system. and more attractive people

34. Favorite food?
Tom Ka Gai and sticky rice

35. Color of most clothes you own?
i don't think most of my clothes are one color, but the largest color group is probably black or grey

36. Number of pillows you sleep with?

37. What do you wear when you go to sleep?

38. what were you doing 12AM last night?
trying to sleep sitting up while listening to a drug addict with a below average IQ tell the man across the aisl about his ex girlfriend. again. yup. on a train.

39. What do you think you'll be doing in 10 years?
painting. teaching. learning. cooking. writing. hanging out with my friend. same stuff as now, but probably with a job and a house that i can paint.

40. Are you paranoid?
no, though i am afraid of the dark

41. First piercing/tattoo?
first piercing was my ears. first "other" piercing was my left tragus. first tattoo is the size of a quarter and cost me fifty bucks.

42. Last person you yelled at?
probably charlie. i'm sorry.

44. Last thing you ate?
packaged cookiedough. before that, a really really really good salad

45. If you could be a pirate, would you?
no. i just "read" a book for history about chinese pirates. they were scary.

46. Do you have an iPod?
yes. but i don't have a computre right now anymore... fucking computers.

47. When and why did you last vomit?
senior year of high school, first time i got drunk. never been that drunk since. don't plan to.

48. What's in your pockets right now?
no pockets. there's a pocket in my other pants that has a rent check in it.

49. what color are your bedroom walls?
white. covered in posters and paintings.

50. last thing that made you laugh?
nick and jessica breaking up. i tell ya, they had hubris from the start.

51. any pets now?

52. inny or an outty?
iinny, dammit.

53. do you have any piercing?

54. If you were a crayon what color would you be?

55. Have u ever won any awards?
hells yes, jami. that fucking rocked. I wish we ad kept that poem.... oh well. it will live forever in our memory without words.

56.How many TV's do you have in your house:

57. Have you ever sprained/broken/fractured a bone or gotten stitches?
broke my front teeth. that counts. that counts like whoa. no stitches. but i did get four root canals.

58. Who do you tell your dreams to?
my journal and/or the person i'm sleepin with.

59. if you could pick one person to make out with who would it be?
one? one: charlie. screw you and your "one".

60. What do you think of the person who posted this before you?
jami rocksorz my socksorz
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