Ramble, ramble

Jan 10, 2009 11:40

Deuteros lead our guild's first 10man Malygos run the other evening. I didn't really want to go. I was going to let Stix go in my place, but he didn't want to go either. Since I had promised D that one of us would be there I went ahead and accepted an invite.

We got him down after about seven tries or so. We were all pretty ecstatic. Deuteros said he was shaking (with glee, I assume). I was just like "Awww". I was not shaking. I was tired and had a headache, but I was still happy nonetheless.

Malygos about to pewpew one someone with some laser beams. I was dead. :D

Us hanging out with Alexstrasza.

Alexstrasza looking all pretty :3

Now I just have to do some heroics and I can get my title. I need Old Kingdom, Oculus, Halls of Stone, and one other that I can't remember. I've never even stepped foot into Oculus or Halls of Stone...even on regular. Lul. >>

Naxx server crashed again last night. D: So we'll have to finish up the speed run tonight. Oh, and we finally got some snotty people in guild getting mad that we (David and myself) are doing a 10man Naxx run that isn't all guildies. "Well, it isn't exactly helping guild members get geared up, is it? No wonder some people's DPS is so low"


I guess I sort of understand the point..but at the same time David is the raid leader. He also keeps track of the guild's DKP (although I help with that and it's a PAIN IN THE ASS). He is always, always helping people, giving away gems/pots/etc to whoever needs them. Is it really such a horrible thing that he wants to take a night off and run a 10man with friends? :\ Especially since we have like 50 level 80s right now...so there's no lack of people wanting to do 10man Naxx? Some officers have already started up different Naxx runs (Fresh started one that has been named Naxxturnal lol). But people seem like they don't want to take the effort to start up their own group...they just want to be carried through it.

Right after this conversation Abe started whining about how he was made to sit out on Tuesday's 25man and nobody asked him or told him, etc, qq, wah.

We had almost an entire raid (40 people). Somebody had to sit out! I sat out, Abe, Fresh, etc. On one hand I'm really excited that people are showing such an interest. On the other hand...some people are going to have to sit out. I wouldn't think anyone would have a problem with it...since Tuesdays are the nights we do Spider and Plague quarters...which are reallah easy. So it makes sense to have the lesser geared people do those and then on Sunday have the better geared people come in and do Construct/Military.

But no. People whine. Always whining. It all boils down to "OMG GIMME LEWTS". :( It isn't big drama or anything...it's just irritating.

Also...some people were promoted to a special rank in the guild and I DO NOT feel that they deserve it.

We have a rank called 'Oldbloods'. It's special rank that you have to work hard for by having good raid attendance, always being helpful to others in the guild, etc. In other words, being an exemplary guild member. I feel like I do plenty of helping, lots of donating to the guildbank, I'm always at raids (and I keep track of the DKP). I always alert David to drama so he can help mediate it...etc. However I have never been nominated for this rank. I would love to be, but I haven't. :(

Four new people were promoted last week. Two of them I agree with, one I'm iffy about, and the last I think was a TERRIBLE, HORRIBLE idea.

The Shaman...well, I like him. He's a nice guy and all...talkative, friendly, etc. He makes it to most of the raids. However, I wouldn't exactly call him very 'helpful'. :\ He'll help people out...if it's a benefit to him. He's also one of those guys that's like "I have a whole bunch of frostweave...it's selling for X on the AH, so I'll give to to you guys at a discount..only Y a stack!"

Like...he'll give you anything you want, but he'll charge you for it.

Okay...well, sure. :\

The other guy...a Warlock should absolutely not have been promoted. At all. He was a terrible choice. He NEVER helps anyone out, as far as I can tell. He's one of those guys who'll make smart ass comments if someone asks a question.

Also, he has a really bad attitude. He comes to most raids...however if things aren't going his way he drops without notice.

Having some lag in Naxx?
"This is making me not even want to play anymore. Are we going to keep going?"
"Er..yea? It's not that bad.."
Warlock leaves the raid.

"Er...okay folks, let's give it one more shot!"
Warlock leaves the raid.


I noticed he was like this before WotLK, too. He likes to throw tantrums in guildchat. For example:

Him: Can I get invite to the raid?
David/RL: Yea, just a sec trying to make sure we've got the right balance.
Him: WTF if I don't automatically have an invite then fuck you guys. You can go ahead and take your out of guild buttbuddies.
David/RL: Um. I just sent you an invite. ...

(This is almost word for word. I remember it like it was yesterday because the entire guild was just like "... *awkward silence*")

Why would you promote someone like this to a rank that is supposed to be reserved for exemplary guild members? It kind of hurts my feelings that a person like this would be promoted over me. >> Maybe it's selfish of me... I dunno, blah. Being promoted to an Oldblood is a pretty big honor (lol that sounds cheesy)...just. Ugh.

Lol, I don't even think Warlock has logged on since he was promoted anyway. Oh well.

Anyway. With all that drama and niggling irritations I decided I needed a break. So I logged onto Estrelle and went up to Northrend. It's such a relief to be away from the guild. Questing is serene. I feel kinda selfish for it...but it's nice. :(

Plus, so far, everything is so much more awesome from Alliance side. I almost squealed when I rode the boat into the Fjord. It looks AMAZING. Much more beautiful than the zepp ride I took Hordeside. :F The quest hubs are more aesthetically pleasing, and the quests more fun.

I'll probably put a post into wow_ladies later asking for sig requests. When I first moved Est to SoE I was planning on joining an RP guild...but I just don't have time now. :\ I'm really horrible at dividing my time between two servers. So I'll just make my own guild to toss my chars into. And make a pretty tabard.

Well...this post has dragged on long enough. D: I'll stop it now before I ramble on for the next couple hours. I could probably do it, too.

wat, i love my crazy guild, guild drama, estrelle, escapism, qq, lyrie/lemuria

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