May 02, 2007 19:20
Well, I'm now officially a Rad Tech student, I met all my classmates today, and we went over EVERYTHING we need to purchase. Ahem, a $45 drug test at random (I have to have $50 on me till they call me to be tested), $49 criminal background check, $50 radiation badge, Books (I won't go into price there), I think it was a $17 dollar name tag, probably want two of those (just in case I forget one at home), I need to be CPR certified, a physical, navy blue scrubs. ... At least I had fun. The teachers seem nice, and I'm gonna have to really get to know my classmates, cause starting fall semester I will be working in clinical rotations with classmates, and hell I'm gonna see them at least weekly for the next two years. Yay 25 or so new friends. I hope at least a few I can get along with, and are as nuts as me. And for some reason my spine hurts like hell, I think it had to do with me sitting still for two hours at the orientation. I don't sit still well. Our teachers have a good sense of humor, and always have a pot of coffee for students in the morning. That is nice, but I don't drink coffee. I still need a car, badly. I started to panic when I remembered, I start class at 8. My mother goes to work at 8:15, my brother is put on the bus at 7:30, there is no way to let me have the car and take her to work. Even worse when I start clinical and need to be in Charleston or West Ashley by 8:00. We will be in one of the big four hospitals for one semester, so I hope I'm at Trident, and not MUSC, Roper Main, or Bon Secours St. Francis Xavier.
Anyway I'm gonna try to wake myself up now. I'm thinking fork in the electrical socket will work.