(no subject)

Aug 17, 2004 11:15

Hi. It's 11:15, have been watching the Olympics. Is so fun. Meh. What with the new Excorcist (SP?) movie coming out, have realized that, oh, the mere thought of Linda Blair in the movie terrorizes me unlike anything else I have ever known. Death? No. Pain? No. Other horror movies? Yes, but not like this. She fucking *scares the life out of me*. I do not know why. I'm not quite sure what it is I think the little devil-possessed girl could do to me. I could kick her ass, hehe. But still, she scares me! Sigh.

I'm hungry, for some reason. Will have a big breakfast.

PARLEY IS BACK! **big superstar jump** Am so excited.

Everyone go read Day 1 at Parley! And rate it really high!

No, I didn't say that. What are you talking about?
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