So, yesterday, 18th February, 2008, I turned 25. Amidst many "Happy Birthday" and "Enjoy Your Quarterlife Crisis!," I got tattooed.
Now all I have to worry about is keeping it moist, keeping it clean, and not accidentally lifting some of the ink off when my T shirts get stuck to it.
But I'm tattooed :) I am very excited. I can't believe I actually did it. I wasn't nervous at all. It's bizarre, actually. I thought I'd be nervous, but I wasn't. I just did it. And it felt right.
It's the final 5 bars of the chorus of Sheryl Crow's "I Shall Believe", sans staff, key signature, etc. And underneath, "Creidfidh mé"( pronounced KRET-hee may), or "I Shall Believe" in Gaelic.