
Dec 29, 2005 15:07

Dude, my cat is beat up. He has blood all over his face, and there's a big red scratch on his neck. Sheesh. Poor bugger...

Last night was like a party here. Tyler had three friends over, and Maegan had Tash over. Channy said that she was coming over but she didn't. I guess it was better that way. She'd just go and hang out with Tyler and his friends in the basement, especially since her crush of one of Tyler's friends. So yeah... it was good that she didn't come over afterall. But I still felt lonely.

Dude, there was like three Tyler's here. My bro Tyler, Tyler M., and Tyler S.(who's birthday is today. Happy B-Day to him! ^_^).

Y'know the pic of the Pillsbury Doughboy with the funny nose and glasses on in my last few entries back? My icon? *points* Well, really it's a screencap I got from this video. It's like bloopers or something, and here's the other video.

And Eminem's blog about his videos. I'm not sure if it's actually him or not, but it was a link from the Eminem newsletter I get in my email. So it's gotta be somewhat official. But I'm not too sure... :/

Some "Outsiders" and "That 70's Show" memes plus three "That 70's Show" quizzes.

No, not my fists. My middle finger. I love the little finger dude. *nods*

We're not THAT violent, right? Sheesh!

Stay away from Pony? What I do? *flips off Two-Bit* Muahaha!
Seems like I'm gonna end up with Dally. I would if he GAVE ME MY ROSE RING BACK! >_<;;

Hm... sounds nice. Toldya you couldn't make me stay away from Pony! Muahaha!
...yes, I know I'm insane. It's Nero, Cain, Judas, Legion, Belial, and Lucifer's fault! (Too much Emily Rose...)

Is okay that it's not a happy ending cause Eric belongs to Donna!

Kitty! ^_^

"Oh no! I'm in love with a doofus!" *loves that Jackie quote* ^^;;

You're Hyde! Cool and very Zen! You don't really
care about much.

What 'That 70's Show Character are you Most Like?
brought to you by Quizilla


Your guy is Eric. You like a guy who is devoted to
you and making you happy, even if he's a little
awkward and nervous.

What That 70's Show guy is right for you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yayness! Yeah, I like Eric. So sue me.

Eric and Donna, the true relationship. You would do
anything for your partner, anything. You love
them with all of your heart, and they the same.
And doesn't Donna look pregnant in this

Which That 70's Show relationship are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

Yay, my fave ship! Hm... she kinda does like pregnant, maybe a tiny bit.
*points to pic* That's like one of my fave moments in the show. Is so sweet. ^^

Well, I'm off. Gonna munch on some cereal.
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