
Dec 08, 2005 14:56

Meh. I read that Britney Spears and Kevin Federline might be finished. And Eminem and Kim might remarry. I don't really care about Britney or Kevin, but I'm hoping that Em and Kim will remarry or at least, reconcile. I'd rather have Eminem with Kim than any other girl. As long as they both stay faithful to each other, things will be fine.

*blinks* Didn't think I care about celebrity couples, really. I don't. *shrugs* I just had nothing else to say, but I really do wish Eminem and Kim will work things out.

So... I might start school on Monday. Mom has to meet with the principal tomorrow afternoon.

I got a new story at fictionpress! Click here to read, if you have absolutely nothing better to do.


1. Hot Chocolate Or Apple Cider: Hot Chocolate. We don't really have Apple Cider.

2. Turkey Or Ham: Turkey! ^^

3. Do You Get A Fake Or Real Christmas Tree: It don't matter. We had a fake tree the past few years.

4. Decorations On The Outside Of Your House: Just Christmas lights.

5. Snowball Fights Or Sledding: Sledding. I never really been in a snowball fight before.

6. Do You Like Hanging Around The Fireplace? I never had a fireplace.

7. Do You Enjoy Going Downtown Shopping: I don't really shop.

8. Favorite Christmas Song: I don't know... "Frosty the Snowman".

9. How Do You Feel About Christmas Movies: *shrugs* They're fine to me.

10. When Should One Start Listening To Christmas Music? Whenever they want..

11. Stockings Before Or After Presents: Whenever.

12. Carolers: Do You or Do You Not Watch and Listen to Them: I have never seen any.

13. Go To Someone Else's House Or They Come To You: It depends. We usually plan on who's house to go to.

14. Do You Read The Christmas Story: I don't believe so.

15. What Do You Do After Presents And Breakfast: Check out my presents, putting the batteries in, trying on clothes, etc.

16. What Is Your Favorite Holiday Smell: Don't have one.

17. Ice Skating Or Walking Around The Mall: Probably the mall. I can skate, but the mall would be warm.

18. Favorite Christmas Memory: I don't have one. All of them are my fave.

18(a): Favorite Dysfunctional Christmas Memory (everyone has one!): Don't have one. Or I can't remember.

19. Favorite Part About Winter: The snow. It's very beautiful at nighttime.

20. What's On Your List This Year? Hm... a keyboard(piano), some new clothes, the "Exorcism of Emily Rose" DVD (I read somewheres it might be out this month, but I could be wrong), and DEATH TO THE PDB!

*Have you ever...
1. Fallen for your neighbor? No.
2. Made out with just a friend? No.
3. Been rejected? No.
4. Been in love? No.
5. Used someone? No.
6. Been used? No.
7. Been kissed? No.
8. Done something you regret? Yeah, I have a few regrets.

*Who was the last person...
10. You talked to? My mom.
11 You hugged? My mom.
12. You instant messaged? I believe it was Lisa.
13. You kissed? I don't remember.
14. You traveled with? My family.
15. You yelled at? No one. I don't yell at people.
16. You laughed with? My mom.
17. Who broke your heart? No one.
18. Who told you they loved you? My mom.
19. Made out with? No one.

*Do you...
20. Have a birthmark? Yeah. A small one on my arm and a tiny one underneath my left eye.
21. Have any piercings? Yep, my two ears.
22. Have a 6 pack? No.
23. Own your own house? No.
24. Own a nice car? No.
25. Speak any languages? English.
26. Cook your own dinner? No.
27. Color your hair? Never!
28. Have green eyes? Nope.

*Have you / Do you / Are you...
29. Stolen anything? When I was little, I stole one of Channy's Barbie doll dresses.
30. Smoked? No, just second-hand smoke.
31. Taken drugs? No.
32. Obsessive? Sometimes.
33. Drugs? What about 'em?
34. Tired of the questions? Sometimes, if they're the same ones.
35. Panic? Maybe on the inside. I'm pretty calm on the outside.
36. Anxiety? Yeah, sometimes.
37. Depressed? Sometimes.
38. Control freak? No.
39. Obsessed with hate? No.

40.Whens the last time you smoked? I never smoked.
41. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? In bed, sleeping.
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body? No.
43. What physical feature(s) do you find most attractive on girls or guys? *shrugs* Hair, I guess.
44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president? Yeah, sure.
45. Would you marry for money? No.
46. Have you had braces? No.
47. Do you wear lip gloss? Ugh, no!
48. Do you sing in the shower? No.
50. Could you live without a computer? Don't think so.
51. Do you use MSN, Yahoo? I have both, but I mostly use MSN.
52. If so, how many people are on your list? Hm... about 7-ish? I can't remember.
54. Do you wear white socks? Yep.
55. Do you wear shoes? Yes, duh.
56. What is your favorite fruit? Strawberry!
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white? Both, but I mostly eat white bread.
58. What is your favorite place to visit? Niagara Falls.
59. Favorite DVD? All of them! Why would I get them if I didn't like them?
60. Do you kiss on the first date? Never went on a date.
61. Are you photogenic? No, don't think so.
62. Do you dream in color or black and white? Color.
63. What are you wearing right now? White hoodie and pajama bottoms.
64. Do you eat a lot of fruit? Not really.
65. Do you have any dimples? No.
66. Do you remember being born? Yeah.
67. Why do you take surveys? Boredom.
68. Do you drink alcohol? No.
69. Did/do you like high school? I hate school, anykind.
70. What is the best accent? British. Gotta love the HP actors! :P
71. Who do you want to kiss? I don't know. One of the HP actors. *shrugs* (PS. I didn't say anything!)
72. Do you like sunsets? Yes.
73. Do you want to live to be 100? *shrugs*
74. If not, why? I don't care. When I die, I die.
75. Do you or have you played with a Ouija board? Yeah, I have one. I haven't really played with it yet, but I did once by myself. *sweatdrops* After that, I learned that's how you can get possessed. :/
76. Are you loyal? Yeah, I'd say so.
77. Are you tolerant of other people’s beliefs? Yes.
80. Do you think you can draw well? No, unless I trace it on the window.
81. At what age did you find out that Santa Clause wasn't real? 9.
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet? None.
83. Do you like to wear the same shoes everyday? I always wear the same show everyday.
84. Do you write poetry? Yeah.
85. Snore? Nope.
86. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides? My sides.
87. Do you like cats / dogs? Both, I guess.
88. Do you lick stamps? No. I don't send letters.
89. Do you use an electric can opener? No, don't have one.
90. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon? No.
91. Like your name? Yeah, but I'm kinda bored with it.
92. Were you named after anyone? Just my middle name.
93. Do you wish on stars? No.
94. Which finger is your favorite? Ze middle finger! :D
95. When did you last cry? When Channy shafted me. >_>
96. Who can’t you stand? Nothing I can't really stand.
97. Who do you admire? Um... Eminem? *shrugs*
98. What is the number one priority in your life? Family and Friends.
99. Do you like to read? Of course!
100. Any bad habits? Yeah.

[music| When I'm Gone (Instrumental) - Eminem]
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