Meh, posting some random quotes cause I’m bored.
“It’s hedgehog day!” -Jeri-Ann. (She meant to say “Groundhog Day”. ^^;;)
“Poor Jeri… too old to go downstairs, too young to be upstairs. She should just sit on the stairs,” -my dad, cause Jeri doesn’t go downstairs to play with Maegan and Nikki, but we all think she should.
Tyler: [dumping water and icecubes into the sink]
Me: [gasps] Why’d you kill those icecubes? They did nothing to you!
Tyler: Shh, it’s okay. [hugs me]
Me: [sobbing on Tyler’s shoulder] They did nothing to you!
Me: [pokes] Why’d you kill those icecubes? They did nothing to you!
Tyler: Want me to kill you?
Me: …no, thanks. But really, the icecubes did nothing to you!
Tyler: Want to do nothing to me, so I can kill you?
Me: Watch me, little buddy.
Me: ‘Sup Lucy Jr.?
My Mom: You’re gounded!
Me: Nooo!
Me: ‘Sup Shannon Jr.?
Chantel: lol. ‘sup Rhonda Jr.?
“…and Spongebob comes out of nowhere!” -the hockey announcer guy. (this goalie made a save with his shin pads (or whatever), and they were yellow and looked like Spongebob)
((Channy and I were making smoothies, which need to crush icecubes. Since we don’t have a blender, we use a hand-mixer.))
Me: [plugs in hand-mixer]
Chantel: [holds cup]
Me: [puts hand-mixer in the cup, and turns it on, making a loud noise]
Chante: Ahhh! Geez, that’s loud!
Me: [laughing]
“Aw, now, come on!” -Chantel, when Tyler and his friends got her nice, white shoes all muddy.
Me: Can I have a drink?
Chantel: Sure. [hands me her bottle of water]
Me: [takes a drink] Thanks. [gives her the bottle back]
Chantel: Yeah.
Me: [coughs a little]
Chantel: [begins to clean the bottle with her sweater]
Me: What are you doing?
Chantel: I don’t want to get sick.
My Mom: Man, I have a big butt! Remember my jeans last night?
Me: Yep. Me and Tyler were laughing our butts off.
My Mom: I wish I can laugh my butt off.
“I say we kidnap Topher Grace and make him come back!” -me. (what? I’m still upset he left “That ‘70s Show”.)
Wanna know something else funny? Chantel and I have almost the same nicknames - Shanie and Channy. Plus, Soda and Pony. ^^;;
Well, that’s all. Yes, I know my quotes aren’t funny (maybe a little). But I’ma post them, anyway.
Nightness everyone!
slight amused]
[music| October - Evanescence]