Nov 18, 2011 16:41
Basically, I will be excited by anything you write. I'm not a difficult person to please. I like my fanfiction in gen, het or slash varieties; it can be clean as a whistle or as smutty as you wanna get. I'm fond of humor, family affection, romance based on friendship, wacky adventures, sex in unexpected places, good-natured competition and even the occasional inevitable heartbreak. The only things I would ask you to avoid are humiliation and cruelty. I don't dig them, even in fanfiction. Also, I like happy endings. =)
Also, if you want to have a look at a fandom you don't recognize, the three movies are all on DVD and accessible through Netflix. The book should be available through any bookstore or your local library.
Fandom-specific guidelines, repeated from my signup form:
Anne of Avonlea (TV) (Anne Shirley/Emmeline Harris)
I love the interactions between Anne and Emmeline in this movie, and would love to see a story based around them. This could include any of a number of canon or non-canon directions; do Anne and Emmeline ever see each other again? Might they correspond? What if Anne had accepted Morgan’s proposal and become Emmeline’s mother? What if she had stayed on as a teacher at Kingsport instead of returning to Avonlea, and they had met again in some other way? I would also enjoy a story set during the movie, or even a little Anne/Emmeline future romance. Feel free to include other characters from the movie, as long as the focus is on these two.
Three Men and a Baby (Jack Holden/Peter Mitchell)
This movie reminds me of my childhood, so of course now I want to dirty it up completely. My ideal story would be some kind of Peter/Jack romance, possibly prior to the events of the movie. However, I'd also be really happy with a "how they met" story, or something from during or after the movie showcasing the relationship between these guys, romantic or platonic. You can use Three Men and a Little Lady as canon or ignore it. My one caveat: please don't make Sylvia a bitch. Also, thumbs up on the use of Michael in a non-romance story or in a non-romance capacity in a romance story, just not in the actual romance, if that makes sense.
Ship Series- Anne McCaffrey (Hypatia Cade/Alexander Joli-Chanteu)
To be honest, I had never even considered The Ship Who Searched as a yuletide fandom until I came across it on the nominations list. But I love, Love, LOVE this book, and having someone write me fic about it would be awesome. My request is very open-ended here. Some of the things that would be excellent to read would be Alex meeting Tia's parents for the first time, the early days of the Alex/Tia partnership, them finding the EsKay homeworld, or just Tia learning how to negotiate the world in her new body. Feel free to include other characters from the book if you'd like, and I have read the other books in the 'verse if you want to do cameos/crossover characters.
Troop Beverly Hills (Phyllis Nefler/Hannah Nefler/Chica Barnfell)
Another childhood favorite, mostly because of the character-based humor. Maybe the girls meet up for a troop reunion, or a wedding? Did they stay friends or have they lost touch with each other? How is Phyllis handling her fifties? Basically anything using these characters will thrill me, and you can include any of the other movie characters that you want. Go wild! Bonus suggestions: Hannah and Chica go to college together, OR Hannah/Chica, any point in time. With either of those ideas, Phyllis in a supporting role as opposed to a story focus is fine with me.
I hope this is helpful and not super-scary. Thanks so much for adding to the Yuletide fun!