Jul 29, 2009 22:46
[dated right after speaking with Sasami and Cornelia, likely JUST as things are starting to degenerate at the Dragon; remember, NOT much time has passed in that log yet, overall]
I know this is probably hard to encourage, but I really hope people can try to keep their heads cool. Xellos and Bowser are likely up to something beyond just the obvious, yes... and it's a horrible thing for people to be kicked out of their homes...
But things can be a lot worse. And WILL be a lot worse should anyone escalate matters further than they already may be. The way things stand, DATS cannot protect those there as we would like. And, even if you were victorious... it would only cause you and your home more harm in just the short term, as you are likely to prompt immediate retaliation from Ravemon's forces.
One should know where and when to stand and fight... and this is one case where losing your life or freedom to fight later on isn't worth whatever might be gained FROM fighting.
From my times fighting Xellos, fighting him would likely only play into whatever it is he wants. I know I'm probably too late to some extent, looking at some posts that have leaked out, but... I just hope others can maintain their heads.
Any agents in the area of this, though... please, do what you can to maintain any semblance of order you possibly can. Ravemon will likely not accept any authority we may want to exert, but we can at least set an example, and not stoop to their level.
All of that said, I will repeat what I offered when speaking with Cornelia - all displaced residents are welcome to find shelter at Royal Base.
[ooc - Again, small passage of time in all this. XD; So it's probably only been five to seven or so minutes, at the most, as she's saying this and trying to keep up with the various posts pouring out - which, if you cram all into that time period, is a lot to sort through all at once. XD; Also wanted to post this SOONER, but, eh. Work and stuff gettin' in my way. ]