Yeah, so the best night ever was... the BEST NIGHT EVER. :Dd "War Stories" is still my favorite episode, and we have British hot chocolate that is astonishingly delicious, and um. OH YEAH. LITTLE MERMAID.
I really like Ariel. :|a I've kind of flip-flopped on her in the past, but she's such a melodramatic little cutiepie, and she has quite a bit more personality than I realized.
Eric, however? XD Well, he's certainly attractive, but he's kind of unintentionally hilarious. Like in "Kiss the Girl," right? Sebastian starts singing, and Eric looks up with the stupidest expression ever. You can see it
here at around 0:25. We were still giggling about that for hours. Also, the subtitles kindly informed us that Eric was playing a recorder during those musical interludes, which was equally amusing; picture a grown man with one of those third-grade plastic deals and you'll see why. (And then he's standing there on the balcony DRAMATICALLY HOLDING HIS *RECORDER* and we kind of died.
Speaking of melodramatic, Ariel can't hold a candle to Ursula in that regard. It's no wonder her numbers in the musical are the best-- she's just so damn theatrical. And she's so much fun to watch~ oh god I love Disney villains, wtf self.
Why Little Mermaid, then, some of you may be asking? Well, Hannah and I have started a project. It's called Getting Back to Our Roots(TM), you see. It started... really this summer, with a conversation that went the way all our conversations go:
"Do you know who reminds me of Wally?" "Who?" "Aladdin." "Yeah, he does." "We haven't seen Aladdin in so long." "We should watch it again." "...Do you want to?" "Right now?" "Yeah." "Let's go."
It was watched in Toronto, along with several episodes of Teen Titans (which somehow never fails to remind me how much I love it.) Since then we've watched Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, and Little Mermaid, and we've picked up our ancient computer games. (Pajama Sam? That was my childhood, for srs.) It's good stuff, though it's in sharp contrast to our newest fandom. Which happens to, you know, start with a Fire and end with a Fly. No points for guessing.
In more RL news, teachers just announced that the upcoming long weekend will be *homework-free.* Despite the pointlessness of that, I am psyched-- it's like McCain's stupid gas tax holiday only better. And on Saturday les parents have a wedding to go to, which means la soeur and I will be alone from noon until... late. :Dd (Actually,
spinners_grove, are you doing anything Saturday night? If not: you, me, Hellboy, and Firefly, Y/N?) I also have to do some shopping. >.>
So that'll be fun. And Sam is reading Havemercy, and Erica is watching Dr. Horrible, and Abbey and I can chat about drunk!Simon now, and I am spreading the love. Later~