"Hee, my avatar is dressed like a whore!"

Feb 23, 2010 23:10

Okay, emo post time is almost-probably-definitely over now. Those of you who know me know (I hope) that I'm not usually a terribly emotionally unstable person-- these past few weeks have just kind of been EVERYTHING BLOWING UP ALL OVER THE PLACE, and not in a good action-movie way. Thanks to all of you for listening to me whining and for being supportive, especially some of you who tolerated WAY MORE WHINING than you should rightfully be expected to. Love you guys.

BUT I PROMISED YOU AAI AND THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE GOING TO GET NOW :D No spoilers here, if you're being wary of that.

(Before we start, I am drinking out of my awesome Zelda mug and it makes me feel so much more heroic.)

SO YOU GUYS. Ace Attorney Investigations is badass as anything. I am kind of loving this new style of gameplay, to start off with; Logic Mode is cool and interesting, and I like how it both reflects how much more thoughtful Miles is than Phoenix and also enables the player to think through things without having to take HUGE JUMPS IN THINKING or having the game talk you through all the interesting twists. Also, tiny sprites! Tiny sprites and walking! I COULD SERIOUSLY WATCH THOSE TINY SPRITES FOREVER especially when they do animations that you can recognize from the larger versions, like Miles's look-how-awesome-I-am shrug and ~dramatic gentlemanly bow~. And... I like losing the "Move" feature in favor of exploring one environment because seriously you guys I was getting so tired of running to like five different places wondering what I forgot to examine. I know it makes the story a bit more linear than it already was, but I honestly don't mind.

Character-wise, none of the new people have really jumped out at me quite yet-- I'm still trying to decide what I think of Lang, because all he's done so far is be a douche and not really give a compelling enough reason for it, but he seems like a really interesting character and GOD KNOWS I'm a sucker for a wolf motif. OH ALSO I really really really like Tyrell. And I love Byrne's design even if we never technically meet him.
ALSO. GUMSHOE. I know, I know, this is nothing new, but Gumshoe is one of those characters, much like Maes, where I always forget just how much I love him until I see him up on screen. And I ESPECIALLY love him interacting with Miles, my god. Their relationship is just. So adorable. <3 There's a scene fairly early on in Case 3 that just kills me.

BECAUSE THAT HAS HAPPENED IN EVERY CASE SO FAR. XD It is actually kind of hilarious. Speaking of which, I seriously love playing as Miles-- I love his snarky inner monologue, I love actually seeing him sometimes lose his cool, I love his voice, I love getting in his head, I just LOVE IT. I was briefly worried that he wouldn't work as a protagonist for an entire game, but except for a few awkward moments where they tried to explain the whole DL-6 thing, it's worked out very well.
(Although I was trying to write Kyoyafic the other day after I played it, and I COULD NOT STOP my Kyoya-voice from sounding exactly like Miles. It was very frustrating.)

...So far, I would say that Case 4 is my favorite, followed by 2, then 3, then 1. 2 and 3 are close, but 4. Maaaaan. And usually I am not a fan of the case with like HOURS AND HOURS OF EXPOSITION and FIVE HUNDRED NAMES YOU HAVE TO REMEMBER, but there were certain parts of it that made it worth it. <3 ALSO, IF YOU ARE A CHICKEN LIKE ME DO NOT PLAY THE PROLOGUE OF CASE 3 WITH THE LIGHTS OFF

Okay, last thing: I love all these references to previous games so much. Obviously I am a sucker for fanservice, and Ace Attorney has always delivered on that front, but there are a lot of little nods that are subtle enough to go unnoticed by anyone who's not looking for them, and I love that. (Along with, you know, BIG NODS. And running gags. Which I also adore.)

Alright! Time for... bed? Yeah, that sounds good.

phoenix wright

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