Here is why:
Wiki is my best friend. HEE. This made me squeal like a girl.
~I have an incredibly compelling reason to get the Wii: the OotP game will be released on it. So you get to use the wiimote (XD) AS YOUR WAND. Swish and flick and all that. Um. Maybe it's just my inner six-year-old, but HOW COOL IS THAT? (Plus, you get to play as Sirius and Fred 'n' George. Greatest game ever? Greatest game ever.
~I am FINALLY getting DDR, after a lifetime of stealing my cousin's and/or my best friend's. GO ME.
EGS CHARACTER NAMED TERRA!!1! Oh, and apparently she's a traitor of some kind. SQUEE.
~Cross-fandom shipping avec ma soeur is THE GREATEST THING EVER. *cough* Luna/Aqualad 4EVAR.
And a bunch of other little things involving werewolves and parodies and the greatest sculpture eveeeer.
*goes back to bouncing*