Sep 28, 2009 20:58
So! I am totally doing NaNoWriMo this year, mostly because I know many of you would kill me if I didn't. And I have ideas! Many many ideas!
PROBLEM: I have no idea which idea I want to do. :B
SO I thought I would propose my current ideas to you, LJers, and ask you for any input you may have. I'm... really not partial to any one of these over another at the moment, though WHO KNOWS that may change when November rolls around. BUT ANYWAYS!
(Also, because I think in terms of character, most of these are described in terms of characters involved.)
A: Tyler, Lydia, and Cadence
Tyler didn't ask to be psychic. He didn't ask to have other people's thoughts in his head all the time, and he most particularly didn't ask for this to happen in addition to all that goes along with high school. But life's funny that way. It's during his first week of a new school (again) that he meets Lydia: general outcast, teenage conspiracy theorist, and lifetime believer in werewolves, ghosts, psychics, and supernatural phenomena. He also meets Cadence, whose father is an amiable but entirely crazy pseudoscientist determined to prove people like Tyler exist. And Cadence? Well, she would be thoroughly happy if her father would pay attention to her just once.
Woobies with superpowers, evil research labs, and rampaging daddy issues? THIS MUST BE AN OLIVIA NOVEL :OO In all seriousness, despite the inherent silliness of this, I'm... actually kind of charmed by it. And I like Cadence more than I should. XD
B: April, Michael, and Rose
This was my plan for Script Frenzy this year, back when a few people were doing it and I was like LOL IDK MAYBE :B And then I lol idk'ed my way through about half the month, and by then I figured it wasn't really worth it. ANYWAYS, it is a... actually pretty serious drama with meta overtones, about three siblings and ~serious questions~ about ~identity~ and ~loss~ BUT I ACTUALLY LIKED SOME OF MY IDEAS. And I thiiink it would translate okay to novel form? IF NOT I'LL PROBABLY DO IT FOR SF NEXT YEAR
C: Katelyn and Juliet
Those of you in Exit 51 might remember these two. <3 It was the weirdest thing: I sat down and was like "OH I know, I have a story idea about some cute lesbians, I'll submit it to the magazine!" So I sat down and I wrote my fluffy story about fluffy lesbians, and I sent it in, and it got in, yay yay... but then they would not let me go. I just kept thinking about them ALL THE TIME-- I sketched Juliet in my notebooks, I started imagining what their first date was like, they're most of the reason I went through that phase where I was obsessed with Recessional-- and I think I could seriously keep going with them. Only problem is I don't have much of a plot beyond CUTE LESBIANS :DDD but... I could probably make quite a lot up as I went along.
D: LTH (Tomiko, Peter, Mark, Neyane, and Griffin)
LTH is the fantasy satire project I've been working on for two NaNos straight now because I haven't managed to finish it and argh. ARGH. On the one hand, I would like to try my hand at something else-- on the other, despite all of its dumbness I seriously fell for some of these characters (MARK IN PARTICULAR OMG MARK MAAAAARRRRRK) and I have ending-related ideas that could actually work and I just want to get it done. AND I DON'T KNOW IF I CAN DO THAT OUTSIDE OF NANO. BUT ALSO I DON'T KNOW IF I'LL ENJOY ONE OF THE OTHER IDEAS MORE. ARGH.
E: Fanfic
I kind of just threw this on there, just to have it as an option because I probably could write a 50k fanfic, knowing me, and I've been tossing around the idea of doing a huge-ass PW project for a while, but YOU KNOW WHAT? I could drag the big meanfic (yeah, some of you know) out to 50k EASY. And it would be an AWESOME(ly mean) 50k too. True story.