Public Post- WTF BRRR

Jan 30, 2008 13:10

It's -45 outside with windchill.  The temperature dropped so fast, we can hear the river cracking and snapping as it freezes, huge plumes of steam streaming out from small cracks in the rapidly sealing ice.  It's cold out there, cats and kittens, and I'm not looking forward to the bus ride home.

Thus, I shall not be on WoW tonight.  I will be FAR too frozen after the walk from the bus stop to the house.  Instead, I will be under the blankets with the furry WMD (AKA KITTY!!!) and the Lad's laptop, probably pestering people to entertain me in FH.  Yes, I still make blanket forts.  Ya'll can shut up now.  If I am desperately needed for a run, poke me on AIM.  Otherwise it's me, coco, kitty, and the voices in my head.

Now if Dojima would just quit BABBLING at me, today would be awesome.

fandom high, availability, public post, rpg

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