Week 53: Winners

Sep 03, 2006 23:15

First PlaceSecond PlaceThird PlaceMost InterpretiveMod's Choice
16 pts.15 pts.14 pts.04 pts.06 pts.


Runner Ups: | View icons
in order of points received
04: 16 pts.
02: 15 pts.
03: 14 pts.
06: 06 pts.
09: 06 pts.
01: 03 pts.
07: 03 pts.
08: 03 pts.
05: 00 pts.

(most interpretive)
02: 04 pts.
03: 02 pts.
05: 02 pts.
07: 02 pts.
06: 01 pts.

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And don't forget to submit to our current challenge, In the Sun by Joseph Arthur. We've got 1 entry thus far.
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