Title: Underneath the Skies of Lust
Author: Lyra
Rating: R
Fandom: Dresden Files
Pairing: Implied Thomas/Justine
Spoilers: Up through Turn Coat
Warnings: Descriptions of and allusions to torture, violence, sexual situations
Synopsis: Thomas attempts to deal with his experience at the hands of the Skinwalker in his own way.
Author's Notes: Thank you to
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Btw, may I friend you? You seem pretty awesome. :)
*peers at profile* Tell St. Louis I said hi! *misses the place a bit*
When were you in St. Louis? Did you grow up here, or come for school, or something else? I'm actually getting ready to leave to go to grad school next fall, but it's a great city and I'm glad to have spent more than nine years in it or near it.
Great place for college too. There's what, 13 or so in the city?
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