
Apr 06, 2007 15:05

Last night was the most wonderful night. Wow. So yesterday started off with me waking up from our Wild Wednesday at around 1pm. ;) It was only Me, Jordan, Justin & Mike again, but it was still SOOOO much fun. Tim was supposed to come by @ 4am when we finished work, but we all passed out before then, and I think he called but none of us were awake. So after me and Jordan woke up, we watched Titanic backwards. lol. We watched the 2nd Tape first and then watched the 1st Tape. lol. I got ready, made a Mix Cd for Nichole, but ended up leaving it at the house cause I thought it was too lame to show up (this being the first time I've met her in person) and say "hi, I made you a Mix Cd" lol. But yah, I arrived at Lindsays place at around 7 and OMG, it's the most amazing place ever!! It looks like a loft in New York. I love it. Heather was there, and I met a bunch of new people, (Rachel, oh, and it was Tamara's birthday, and I met Kevin who I'm "officially" friends with on Facebook as of 8:12pm last night) lol. And then Nichole came in with Riley, (lindsay's little tabby cat) :D So I got to talk to Nichole for awhile and then the pizzas came. Mmmmm, pizza. And we called a cab, (because if we weren't at the club by 9 we weren't getting in for a LONG time, cause the clubs are RIDICULOUS on Thursday before good friday. It's like freaking New Years. lol. So we arrive at Alive (which is the old Au Bar) and it was so fantastic. Almost immediately I tried to get people on the dance floor. It was only me for awhile, and then I pulled out Nichole and Lindsay and we danced for awhile and then we went to the bar to refuel. :D More people started to come around 10, and there was a GODAWFUL band. I don't remember their names, but the lead singer sounded like a guy in grade 8 who's voice hadn't cracked yet, and is singing through his nose. lol. Crazy nasily! :D Met a bunch of people there too, (like the guy from last Thursday who we spent 2 hours trying to hook up with this blonde chick at the bar) he was there. And there was this other guy, I forget his name (cause I was drinking lots by that point) and he bought me a drink. And me and Nichole were dancing together pretty much most of the night. It was wonderful. Slow dancing to songs that weren't techinally slow dancing songs. lol. I tried out some of my "tango" and ball room dance moves, (knocking people over and bumping into them in the process) but it was so much fun. :D And then everyone left at around 1 or 1:30 so we tried to call a cab . . . No go! So we waited outside and I flagged one down. And this cab driver was LOCO!! He was stopping and starting so fast that it just jostling us around in our seats. Linsday said, "Wow this is the craziest cab driver." lol. And he said, "What? what? Is there a problem?" And they just laughed from the back saying: "no no, it's good." And he kept saying "tell me!! tell me!!!" ;) lol. It was hilarious. So we finally got back to Lindsay's place and had some left over pizza. And Lindsay took a call in the other room so me and Nichole just talked until around 3:30 which was amazing. She's such an interesting, talented, wonderful person and I'm really excited about getting to know her better. She's coming down to my place on Monday and we're going to have a crazy day of old TV shows, playing guitar and I'm making supper. :D Should be fun. I can't wait.
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