who was your first?

Mar 18, 2007 09:48

1.Who was your first prom date?
Kara Menzies. (first? how many proms are you supposed to have? Unless you keep failing grade 12, but then they wouldn't let you come to prom anyway if you're not graduating.)

2. Who was your first roommate?
Matthew Stewart-Edwards.

3. What was your first alcoholic drink?
Beer, lol. I asked my aunt for some when I was 4. And she's like "you wont like it." And said, "yes, yes I will. It's my favourite drink." And she laughed and gave me a whole glass . . . SHE GAVE A 4 YEAR OLD A GLASS OF BEER!!! lol. She's a horrible person. ;) and I was drunk. :D

4. What was your first job?
Sweeping @ Triple E for 2 weeks during my grade 10 summer. :D

5. What was your first car?
First car I ever drove was a green & yellow Ford F-150. I was 6 and drove it right into a tree. :D

6. Who was your first grade teacher?
Ms. Wallace. I'd pretend that I couldn't do my shoes and I'd lay down on the ground while she tied them so I could look up her dress. ;) hahaha, I was a horny 6 yr old. :D

7. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane?
3. When we flew to Rankin Inlet, Northwest Territories.

8. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
I've actually never snuck out of the house.

9. Who was your first best friend and are you still friends with them?
Kyle Van Wyck. And unfortunately no, I'm not. We were like the best of friends from grade 3 all the way up to grade 6, and then I moved to Winkler school and I guess he felt like I betrayed him somehow cause he stopped talking to me. And I invited him to my grade 7 birthday party, but he just sat in the corner not talking to anyone. I haven't thought about that guy in a long time, and I really miss those years. Playing sonic and listening to Nirvana. Reading those old "Tales from the Crypt" comics. We watched "Mortal Kombat" the movie religiously. We both had Hedgehogs. It was so much fun.

10. Where was your first sleep over?
I honestly can't remember the first. I'm sure there were ones before this, but I do remember Kyle coming over and us telling horror stories, and then sneaking into the living room and playing videogames until about 4am. :D

11. Who is the first person you talk to in the morning?
Depends on who's up. Either Jordan or Justin, but if neither are home, I talk to the first person I see @ work. Which is usually Katie. :S grrrrr, or Rex. Katie, pisses me off.

12. Whose wedding were you in the first time?
I was one of the groomsmen for my friend Ian's wedding about three years ago.

13. What is the first thing you do in the morning?
I touch myself.... ;) Shower.

14. What was the first concert you ever went to?
Raffie. ;) I was about 5, and we saw him at the old Arena at Polo Park.

15. First tattoo or piercing?
None yet.

16. First celebrity crush?
Jennifer Love Hewitt. I would've wrecked that chick. :D

17. First crush?
3, my playmate Mandi.

18. First TRUE love?
haven't had one.

19. When was your first detention?
Kindergarten. I really liked Brock's Superman figure that he brought for show & tell. So I walked over to his cubbyhole during "naptime" and took it out of his backpack and put it into mine. And of course, being a stupid little kid, rather than saying nothing and getting away with it . . . when I left for the day I said, "I don't have anything in my backpack that belongs to anyone else. Everything in this backpack is mine!" lol I was retarded. So yah, for some reason they got suspicious and looked inside and they gave Brock's Superman figure back to him and told me to spend the next day in the office. :D

20. First Kiss?
I was 8 or 9, and It was at a Tractor Equipment Auction in Miami. ;) hahahaha, I'm such a hick! But I met this girl, who I can't remember her name. I might even be friends with her now, (cause I know lots of girls for Miami) but we were making out in the bushes behind some tractors. And then we took bottle tabs and used them as wedding rings and had a 'psuedo-wedding'. :D lol. So technically I'm married already. :D

21. Who was the first person to break your heart?

22. Who will be the first to repost this?
Probably either Tiff, Denis or Trista. :D

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