My Driving Lesson

Nov 08, 2006 08:41

I just came back from my driving lesson and I'm still a little strung out.

It was a lot of fun though. It turned out the instructor was the guy I met at Totem Theatre last weekend who was the director of the theatre company, so that was funny. I'm going in on Saturday to audition for the TheatreSports performance they're putting on in December.

We started out in the manual car but I was so freaked out about the gears and the clutch and was looking everywhere but the road that he (I think his name's John - I know! I'm such a bad person for forgetting his name!!) said I was a danger to society (in the nicest possible way of course) and stuck me in the automatic. And the automatic was *way* nicer, let me tell you.
The only thing I had to worry about was breaking too soon and not breaking enough around the corners and the whole curb thing (I got a little too close on a few occasions).
It was nice having a guy I'd already met, and thank all the Gods that I'm not a teenage kid with a giant ego cause I was doing embarrassing stuff. Still, it was good for a first lesson. There were enough mistakes for me to be annoyed with myself about and enough good things that I can feel better about being a leaner driver.
I even drove home! Like, as in kilometres! *pats self on head*
Of course there was a bitch of a woman behind me who wasn't very impressed but that happens to all leaners and I'm old enough not to let it phase me and instead start cussing her out under my breath.
I look forward to many more dirty looks and tail-gating in the future.
I have to go do my homework now. I have to write down all the stuff I learned today and I just *know* I'm going to forget stuff. *sigh* Still, I'll be better on Monday.

In other news, Jenny and I went to see Little Miss Sunshine on Sunday which was a lot better than I expected it to be and that the previews made out.
The little girl from Signs played Olive (aka Little Miss Sunshine) and the whole dynamic between the characters was wonderful. It was hilariously funny in places and heartbreaking in others and I loved the final message of "Fuck it: just go out there and enjoy yourself. Who gives a shit if you look ridiculous?"
The whole pagent thing at the end was horrifying - Jenny said how disgusting it was when you put an ordinary kid (like Olive) next to these children who have been primped and airbrushed and had dental surgery and are on diets and look like midget call-girls. *shudder* Thank God we don't have stuff like that here. Although I have to say, I *loved* Miss California's reaction to everything that happened at the end. I loved her much more for it.
So yes, definitely go and see it. It's a lot better than it looks.
I can't wait for The Prestige coming out in 2 weeks!!
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