the makeup person for tonight's debate apparently sucks at eyebrows. look at lehrer's and mccain's, especially.
so when mccain is president he's going to cut funding for basic scientific research?
i liked mccain so much more before he prostituted himself out to win elections.
obama's not doing so hot, from a completely superficial perspective.
i do like debates where people talk over each other though.
fans of the west wing should check out
this link. i think it's brilliant, but then i'm also a sorkin fangirl.
so since the foreign policy debate has been hijacked by the economy, will they talk about foreign policy at the economy debate?
according to our closed-captioning, obama's "eating folks all over the country."
which reminds me of the
indecision2008 drinking game he opposes ethanol subsidies?? and wants to build more warships instead??? this makes me sad. i was hoping miraculously he'd change my mind, but the fact remains i disagree with mccain on nearly every issue.
can i vote for jim lehrer instead of either of the other two?
irony. the board behind the candidates has it.
next president will not have to decide whether or not to enter iraq . . . good point.
obamas defense of 'well, biden knows stuff about foreign policy' is not as well made. though now that i think about it, that's about what bush said about surrounding himself with people who knew stuff. of course, look where that got us.
oooh, snide mccain makes an appearance.
ugh, this whole thing is starting to make me nauseous. why don't we just let them mud-wrestle or something to decide it? i'm not sure what difference it makes anyway - they'll both face the same daunting limitations and insurmountable circumstances that will warp them and their intentions to a shadow of their former selves. i'm not sure that's the take home lesson either candidate intended me to get, but it's what i've got.