I think my requests should be writeable without too much heart-searching, but this is for my assigned writer, in case they are stalking my journal the way I am stalking my recipient's!
Dear Yuletide writer,
Hooray! I am very excited about Yuletide, since I've never been involved before, and I'm so looking forward to seeing what you come up with. Hopefully my requests gave you ideas rather than scaring you off. I would like to stress that they are only suggestions to get you started; I tend to think that it's much more important for a writer to be writing from the heart than to fulfil a specific request.
If you're interested in the sort of story I like, then I have lots of fic recs on
delicious, and you can also check the
recs tag on my LJ.
Essentially, I have pretty broad tastes. I read gen, het and slash/femslash pretty much equally; I tend to prefer my ships to stay fairly close to canon, but if you're yearning to write a non-canon pairing and you think you can make it plausible, then go for it! I like bittersweet stories, or sad but not hopeless ones. Conversely, I'm a sucker for happy or romantic stories as well, so please don't panic if you don't do angst! Darkfic is also fine if you can make it plausible. I like filling in the gaps in canon, looking at how characters might have felt at a particular time. Alternate viewpoints are good. I have a real soft spot for overlooked or disparaged (or even disliked) characters, and enjoy stories that explore their motivations and/or show their strength of character. Any story about grief, loss and/or reconciliation will make me happy.
His Dark Materials - as I've said, the suggestions in my request are purely that: suggestions. Any story that you think I'd like, based on the above hints regarding my fic tastes, would be absolutely lovely. You could go for Lyra and/or Will post-series: how are they getting on with life without one another? Alternately, any exploration of the adult characters (not just those specified in my request), pre-, post- or during the series would be very welcome.
The Marlows - this is one series where you could probably pair characters up with anyone and I'd be happy, as long as you made it plausible. My favourite characters are Nicola, Miranda and Janice, so don't bash them, please. On the other hand, if you want to bash Lawrie, Ginty or Patrick, feel free! I have very mixed feelings about the Nicola-Patrick dynamic (I think Patrick is arrogant and selfish, but sort of want him to like Nick because she wants him to), so any exploration of that, from a friendship piece to them getting together to Nick telling him to get lost or reflecting on him later in life would be very welcome. Or, you know, all the other things I mentioned in my request :).
The Vorkosiverse - pretty much anything in this universe would make me happy, from adventure to romance to angst to shenanigens with minor characters! I made quite a few suggestions in my request to start you off, but they are purely suggestions. I love these books, and anything that keeps to the spirit of them (so no Miles-bashing, please) will be very welcome. Again, exploration of canon gaps from alternative points of view are great, as are straight adventure stories.
I've rambled terribly, and I hope I haven't confused/terrified you even more by writing this! Basically I want to say that anything that makes you happy to write will probably make me happy to read. So if the above has you going, OMG we have such different tastes, then please just write from the heart.
THANK YOU! I can't wait to read your story.