It's the 9th of May here, which means that two people on my flist have birthdays. Happy birthday
aillil and
Title: Advice Needed
Rating: G
Wordcount: 300
Summary: Ron turns to his Uncle Gideon (deceased) for advice.
Notes: Written for the lovely
aillil. A, you are much missed around these parts, and I hope you come back to us soon. In the meantime, here's something for Gideon.
Dear Uncle Gideon,
I'm sorry you haven't heard from me before. I never really thought about writing to you, seeing as you're, well - not here. But this girl I know reckons you can send letters to dead people and if you really need an answer, you'll get one. She's a bit mad, but here goes. I can't ask anyone who's alive about this, and I suppose the worst that'll happen is that you don't get back to me.
I wanted to ask your advice. About girls, see. Did you ever have a girlfriend? I had one, and she was a nightmare - wanted to kiss me all the time in front of my mates. I got shot of her pretty quickly! Anyway, now I think I might have another one, only I'm not sure, really. She's a friend, see - my best friend, actually (but not Harry - he's a bloke).
We were supposed to go to a party together last Christmas, only things happened and we sort of didn't, and then we weren't speaking for a few months, and then I nearly got killed, and then we made up. But then things got complicated, and the closest I got to her was cuddling her to make her feel better at the funeral (it was for Professor Dumbledore - please say hi if you know him over there).
Do you think she likes me? Should I make my move at Bill's wedding? How should I do it? Do you have any tips?
PS - I'm your youngest nephew. I know we've never met, but you look like a decent bloke in Mum's photos. And please say hi to Uncle Fabian, too.
PPS - You remember Bill, right? His girlfriend is part-Veela!
PPPS - Mum says your friend Rookwood went all to the bad after you, er. Died. Sorry.
Title: Seating Plan
Pairing: Arthur/Molly
Wordcount: 250
Summary: Molly is having trouble with the seating plan for Bill and Fleur's wedding.
Notes: Written for
a_t_rain, who writes a wonderful Molly and Arthur. Best of luck with your new job, and happy birthday!
"There." Molly slapped the list onto the coffee table with a sigh. "It's done, and if anyone wants to complain that they're sitting opposite someone they don't like, they can try doing a seating plan for a hundred wedding guests themselves. Honestly, who would have thought adults could be so awkward?"
Leaning over from the sofa, Arthur picked up the parchment and frowned. "My dear, I appreciate you saving a place for Percy, but-"
"I know he won't come," put in Molly, rubbing her forehead. She curled up beside him, fitting her curves around his angles. "I - I just think there should be room for him, in case he decides..."
He kissed her hairline. "Yes, but do you really think that seating him beside Ginny and opposite Fred is a good idea?"
"What?" Molly snatched the parchment back. "Oh, no!" She gazed miserably at her squiggles, which were beginning to resemble Chinese lettering in their intricacy. "I can't believe I did that. I meant to save him a place on the edge of a table - somewhere unobtrusive where nobody would stare at him if he did make an appearance. But all that switching people around..."
Arthur pulled her into a cuddle. "Old habits die hard, hmm?" His voice was husky.
"It seems so," she said into his chest. "I used to be so proud of him!"
They rested for a moment, holding one another upright. Then Molly wiped her eyes and seized the quill. "Right. One last time."