Firstly, taken from various people on my flist, most recently
Rec-Go-Round: Rec me one story you've written that you're proud of, any genre, here on my LJ. Then go forth and ask the same in yours.
springtime_gen has started posting stories and the standard is fantastic. Seriously, if you like genfic and you're not watching the community, you are missing out. You'll know when my fic is posted, because it'll be the lame one with no comments; I'm feeling seriously outclassed at the moment, but never mind.
after struggling for months to keep up with my flist and read everything that's posted and leave reviews and make general chitchat, I have to ask: how do you all do it? I am increasingly failing to respond to deep and meaningful posts, or even just mildly discussy ones, because I don't have time to think and formulate a proper response (and I am horribly envious of those of you who can reply instantly with a well-thought-out argument), and that depresses me. My to read list gets bigger by the day, and that's on the people-only option, never mind all the fic posted to communities that I feel I should be reading. I'm even making less effort to respond to the less thinky posts, the ones where one word would suffice, just to let the writer know I'd been reading, because I think, if I'm only going to write a couple of words, what does it matter if I just don't bother?
I know I comment more frequently on some people's journals than others, but I do make an effort to say something if I can. Sometimes I think I should simply read the last 20 entries on my friends page and then proceed from there, but that feels rude to me. Everyone on my friends list is there because I'm interested in what they have to say, you know? And I love being part of what is essentially a community of writers and readers; it's taught me more about writing than a creative writing course ever could.
So how do
you lot do it? Do you read your entire flist all the time? Do you only skip back a certain number of posts? Do you have rules about what you do/don't read? Priorities? Do you *whisper* filter people out? Am I just being an emo idiot? (You're allowed to say yes and slap me.)
By the way, yes I am aware of the irony of asking for more stuff to read, reccing a community and whining about the impossibility of keeping up with LJ all in one post.