General Mills, where did you go wrong?

Apr 19, 2005 23:52

Remember the good ol' days of sugar cereal? Back when Trix was just little crunchy balls in rainbow colors, and Toucan Sam wasn't caught in a downward spiral of increasingly odd flavor combinations? Most of all, when they weren't covered in a strange substance that leaves a coating on your mouth and a weird slick on your milk?

This nostalgia was brought on because my mother bought Apple Jacks. I haven't had Apple Jacks in many years, and was pretty excited about it, mostly because I can still remember the jingle. "A is for Apple! J is for Jacks! Cinnamon-crunchy, appley sweet. It's the one you want, it's the one to eat!" (Wow, that's... sad.) But it just wasn't the same. I stared at the strange colors swirling in the leftover milk and wondered, why? Why'd they have to go and mess with a good thing?

Although I did get a sweet light-saber spoon out of the deal. Now I can eat my cereral in the dark AND fight the forces of evil!
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