Sovereign Family Reunion, late 80s Originally uploaded by
goodbyepisces. I couldn't believe my eyes, seeing this online. It was taken outside my house at our family reunion in the late 80s. What struck me so hard was the way everyone is looking so much like themselves. In group shots everyone always seems to be posing and artificial, but here my crazy/goofy family is acting crazy and goofy in their own special ways. They're THEMSELVES and that's the best kind of group shot you ever see.
Far right: My dad, with my mom beside him.
Far left: Uncle George being a ham, as usual.
Middle: Uncle Bill being... enthusiastic, in an Uncle Bill way.
My grandpa was still alive then. He's standing in the back near the centre beside my grandma . I was very young when grandpa died, and everything I've heard about him makes me wish I'd had the chance to know him. Everyone says he was brilliant, as well as an amazing athlete when he was young. He died of Parkinsons disease. I remember once asking my mom why grandpa's hair was so white. She said that a bucket of special white paint fell on his head a long time ago and he's never been able to wash it out. I think I was about 3 or 4 at the time. :)
Needless to say, I'm the shortest one there, in the middle with the two 1st place ribbons pinned to my dress. I think the ribbons came from some games or contests or races the kids had at the reunion.