I updated
my website
but I know many of you don't read it
so I'll just double post
A motorcyclist crashed through
a fence into a cow pasture near my house about
a week ago. Justin and I happened to be walking passed
when fire trucks and police cars were arriving at the
scene, attempting to resuscitate and salvage this man's
life. As we watched, Life Flight arrived in a field across
the road to airlift the man to the hospital. It seemed
to take a very long time for the helicopter to depart,
but I still had hope that the man would be okay. I said
a few words to god asking for his help for this
person. Justin looked at me and asked, "Are
you praying?" I told him yeah and he just
nodded. It seemed like the right thing to do ...because
otherwise there would have been nothing I could
This morning I was out for my jog/walk. The early
morning fog drifted to mist which turned into a light
rain. It took me about two miles to finally hit
my jogging groove, but I was feeling really energized
and into it, thinking how much further I could go. The
route I was on is almost five miles, but I felt I could
easily have made ten. I was proud, pleased, and Darby
(my 2 1/2 year old black lab) was being the perfect jogging
companion. It was at this point that I arrived at the
crash site, and to my disenchantment, I saw a flowered
basket hanging drearily from the fence through which the
motorcyclist had plowed.
Like a kid joyfully swinging from the trellis in my childhood
home and accidentally landing flat on my back, air painfully
knocked from my lungs, I was snapped into an alternate
reality. A sadness almost tangible gripped my heart.
My spirit and enthusiasm was extinguished. Running
was no longer an option. It was everything I could do
to walk. The man had died! The
falling rain seemed to wash away any semblance of the
man, the fragments of a life, the remaining splintered
pieces of a soul. So this is the world to me. I kept walking,
unable to shake the Despair that held me in its grasp.
I sent Justin a photo message of the event which simply
read "Oh no :("
He messaged back ":/ sad they tryd"
I was coaching myself with positivity. Yes, they tried.
Good for them. Better that they tried. But still he is
GONE! And as I passed the small Mt. Olive Cemetery, my
mind wandered to Candace's brother's suicide, and inevitably
to Jared's death. I wanted only to lay down there, on
the side of the road, in the rain.
So, after walking a bit more, I did the next best thing.
I called my sister. By the intonation in her voice, it
was apparent I'd roused her from sleep. "No work
"No, it's a Holiday."
"I'm sorry.... I just though we could talk a little."
Uncomfortable Pause
"What's up?"
I delved into the story of how Justin and I saw the accident
last week and how I discovered the unfortunate outcome
today. She said that he was probably an organ donor and
may have helped save someone else's life. She informed
me that many motorcyclists are donors.
Not knowing this man personally, I decided to take her
supposition as fact. I would believe this man was an organ
donor and had saved one, if not more than one, person
from ultimate doom. I thought, perhaps, he might have
died even before LifeFlight got there, but they arrived
to quickly transport much needed organs to waiting patients
in hope of a bright future. I pondered
these thoughts for a while, feeling slightly better, when
my alarm went off.
It's only been about 2 weeks I've trying to jog some
mornings - I used to get up at 7:45 or 8 and my phone
still goes off at those times everyday. I haven't changed
it because it's a helpful way to keep myself on schedule
with a new routine. I was still about a mile from home,
but my alarm informed me I'd come as far as I had in about
47 minutes or so. It would have been a blazingly quick
morning workout for me had my heart not been so fragile.
But I am glad for that as well. I've been learning (slowly)
lately that my sensitivity is a good thing for me. It's
defining. It's how I have practically always been, and
rather than resent that part of myself, which is what
I've historically done, I'd rather attempt to embrace
After re-reading this, I wish I'd written it better.
"Been" seems to be my favorite word, and my
sentences are childishly simple constructs attempting
to relate a point. I apologize. Maybe I'd better go back
to English 101.
A link to check out:
Spirit Photoblog
God he's got some beautiful work. I want a Canon 5D. It's
the closest thing to large format negative work I've evern
seen from a digital camera.
Thanks to those of you that read it all.