(no subject)

Feb 13, 2006 09:37

I finished DoC...and for my efforts, I get no Gackt. I got both songs, but that's a given. The character (whose name is apparently "G") never appeared, however. Kinda pissed. Then someone pointed out that I played it on easy mode so I could get the auto-targeting since I never play video games and therefore suck, and he proceeded to suggest that I play it again on normal or hard mode...


It wasn't a terrible game though. The animation was astounding, both in the cinematics *and* the ingame cut scenes. However, my friends who were watching me play it who are quite into gaming didn't really approve. We all agreed, though, that Square gave a nice try. They don't make this kind of game, so I think it turned out pretty well.

Now, I go buy Bujingai, which could, in fact, be the worst game ever made...moreso than The Bouncer, apparently...
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